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Everything posted by popeter123

  1. im 13 but you could ask you mun/dad to brow there laptop/smartphone
  2. any sugestions? ps will the rp be a new site than the down one?
  3. well off topic but can anybody help me make a moving launch tower for the sph
  4. well this time ive learn my mistakes and will correct them
  5. 1.pleese dont ban me i wish to start a new 2.i think so to but not to have too much power so he cant shut down the site again i though i was good for mod as i belive i second chances
  6. #i did not know it was offenciveim autistic and have dislexia
  7. now have im been racist(that 1 post i did not know it was racist but upon reilising it i removed it)
  8. why and if it about spelling thats discrimanation and ilegal
  9. no i have no besides big anouncement ive found minmus\'s orbit is tilted
  10. you will not stop till im banned for no ression
  11. on level 130 you find jeb kerman singing diggy hole
  12. ours is sonicwall ps i need to check the record books \'\'quickist crash of a website'
  13. ive got to be the youngest on the fourum
  14. save me some land cos my schools firewall has f//ked up and says the site is porn
  15. on the modeling can you add suport for sketchup?
  16. can some body give me a client file for winndows 7 that 1.runs dnc server 2.filters all acsept objects on ground
  17. i know that the aircraftcarrier has a pack for it (this is in spacecraft exchange as aircraft carrier)
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