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Everything posted by popeter123

  1. witch this one or the rp one
  2. when you finish it can you email it to me
  3. what it in british summer time?
  4. as he said you need his aproveal witch he refused ps let open for the writing test at 0.00 bst and i am so exsited and cant wait to start radion can you email me the test peter@medicalconnections.co.uk
  5. mady have sunday to do the test?
  6. can you let us keep the nation we made before the site went down ps can i make a acount now and promish not to do anything as i cant wait
  7. may lock making acounts till opening
  8. look to me like the Kortugan are earths ussr
  9. yes i am going to be a monark with our leader king khon xvi
  10. to avoid peopel spend fake cash i had a idea for a external program to manage nation/corp payments the 3 programs will be: corp banking nation banking modarator control
  11. i would like to get it out of the way so can i do it now of very soon?
  12. would you be able to retake the test if you failed?
  13. how will you do this test and make sure people do it
  14. will we need to make the nation topics again? ps will be a new site?
  15. mady end in the late 2040\'s
  16. why not have a vote about it before cos some people like me want to launch stuff to minmus and not want to wait 6 mouths to do even start >
  17. thanks whan you compleat any parts you can send them to me (you can send the indeviduals untextured parts to me as well to test cfg)
  18. to make it clear lets make it 8:00pm GMT(some call it utc)
  19. ive decited to instead of the launch tower holding the rocket the pad will have 'hooks' that hold the bottom of the rocket and the cart may have a hole in the middel for the exsaust of the rocket ps need somebody good with modaling to help(will thank very much)
  20. i am new to blender so no nothing about it my idea: i moveable launchpad for the space plane hanger part [glow=red,2,300]slow cart[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]radial holders[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]movable launch arm[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]legs to hold it in place[/glow] red=not started or modaling orange=texturing blue=cfg editing green=done
  21. got blender cant understand a bit >
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