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Everything posted by SlickStretch

  1. Thank your for your help! And, thanks for the mods. I use a few of yours and they're great!
  2. I find it worrisome that the devs still have not said anything about how it's going to work.
  3. I'm having the same problem. I don't think it's related to any other mods. I'm also using 1.2.9, but I'm on KSP 1.4
  4. I will do that when I get home. My home internet is down right now, so it might be a day or two until I get the video uploaded for you.
  5. Oh, my bad. I actually grabbed the right file, but posted the wrong link. Oops. Here you are.
  6. Hey, I'm back. So I completely reinstalled KSP. Now I'm on KIS 1.9 and I'm still having the problem with the winch heads attaching backwards and not firing with the cable. Here's my log.
  7. Yeah, I tried removing and reinstalling the mod via CKAN and there seems to be no change. Strange that both CKAN and KSP.log say I have KIS 1.9 but output_log.txt reports KIS 1.7. I will try to figure out what may be going wrong with CKAN. I'll get back to you afterwards. Thanks.
  8. That's weird. The log says I have 1.7, but CKAN says I have version 1.9. What's up with that?
  9. Oh, my bad. Mulligan. I'm having some trouble with the winches. Whenever I try to attach the grapple or harpoon to the winch while on EVA, it will only attach backwards. It seems to be attaching to the winch housing and not the cable. When I click "eject" the cable ejects without the attachment, which remains on the winch. Here's a video I made of the issue. Here's my log.
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