I'm in a weird spot. Updated to 1.4.1 and kind of want to go back to 1.3.1 since some mods that I really like still haven't updated and I hate the new re-entry effects. The whole 1.4.x experience has thus far been more trouble than it's worth. I enjoy the MH parts but not all the bugs and annoyances that came with them, and the mission builder was a let down since it's in a sandbox of its own. I really don't feel like going through all the mods I want and downloading the 1.3.1 versions manually, so for now I'm just dealing with 1.4.1, but my motivation to play has taken a bit of a hit as a result.
I won't touch 1.4.2 with a ten foot pole. Don't even really understand why it was released, as far as I can tell it introduced more serious bugs than it fixed.