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Everything posted by DeliriumTrigger

  1. That's kind of strange since I distinctly remember having a mod that gave me EVA parachutes without turning into Cyclops pre 1.4
  2. I'm in a weird spot. Updated to 1.4.1 and kind of want to go back to 1.3.1 since some mods that I really like still haven't updated and I hate the new re-entry effects. The whole 1.4.x experience has thus far been more trouble than it's worth. I enjoy the MH parts but not all the bugs and annoyances that came with them, and the mission builder was a let down since it's in a sandbox of its own. I really don't feel like going through all the mods I want and downloading the 1.3.1 versions manually, so for now I'm just dealing with 1.4.1, but my motivation to play has taken a bit of a hit as a result. I won't touch 1.4.2 with a ten foot pole. Don't even really understand why it was released, as far as I can tell it introduced more serious bugs than it fixed.
  3. Everyone is talking about fairings and landing legs and I'm just over here wondering why I turn into Cyclops from X-Men on re-entry unless I turn down the re-entry effect.
  4. Recompiled version is working great here on 1.4.1 + DLC. Thanks for the swift update, this is one of my must have mods!
  5. Sorry if this has been brought up before, I searched through the first and last 5 pages of the thread and didn't see it. Any time I mouseover the PM icon on the pager, the menu opens and doesn't close. It covers up other buttons. It also opens sometimes when I'm in KSC or Tracking Station on its own. There's no way to close it once it opens. Is there any way to fix this? It's super annoying, especially since the only time I ever need PM is in map view while in flight.
  6. Came to check on spacedock's status since CKAN was throwing errors when trying to download stuff and see you're already on it without anyone reporting it. Don't know what kind of help you need so I can't really offer assistance but just wanted to say I appreciate what you do. No need to put a hobby before your work, get some sleep if you need to. We will all survive until tomorrow. Thanks!
  7. Could you add an option in the config file to suppress the login screen? I don't need to log in and out and would really prefer to not have clutter on my loading screen once I'm logged in.
  8. Small feature suggestion. Give us the ability to blacklist mods so that any time a mod that requires them as a dependency is selected, it will highlight it in red like a conflict and disable the apply changes button.. It would be nice to be able to select up a bunch of mods without having to keep track of which ones have a dependency for a mod I don't want to ever install.
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