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Everything posted by Bluejayek

  1. I hope you will accept this revised 3 engine entry at 260.3. I didn\'t technically get it to a safe stop; once I hit that speed and coasted down a bit, I turned around and headed back for the KSC. WHen I got there, I attempted to taxi it back onto the runway ready for refueling and another run, but when i tried to come up onto the runway proper the wheels fell off, as there apparently is no ramp Obeys the spirit of the challenge if not the letter.
  2. In the interest of fairness, reduce my record to 273.4. It is the highest I can provide evidence for at the moment. I am finding that a certain distance from the KSC the ground gets bumpy, which is... Not good for my unstable design. Screenshot of maximum velocity and slowed to a halt.
  3. Woops, sorry about that, I missed that part of the challenge and your post. With the exception of the 9 engine one they all would not be stopable, as they would explode soon after the maximum velocity. I\'ll do another screenshot later to show that, and attempt to make some more stable craft! Good challenge, and good entry to the forums
  4. Welcome to the forums! However, for this challenge, what exactly do you mean by land rover? Something you can land on the moon and rove around there? Or simply something you can drive around on kerbin. If it is the latter, you can see a number of threads around here for similar things such as the kerbal land speed challenge. When you are posting challenges please have these three elements: 1) A specific and complete definition of what the challenge is 2) Specific criteria for completion / criteria for who is winning (eg speed, number of miles traversed without crashing) 3) Evidence needed (Video, screenshots, trusting their word) This is not to dissuade you from posting here, because we really do want everybody who wishes to come! Simply it is a lot easier to complete a challenge if we know exactly what we need to do.
  5. Can all my records be placed on the leaderboard please? Plat 277.9 Gold 272.6 Stone 227.8 Bronze 253.8 Silver 263.5 See first page for screenshots
  6. Looks like you used cheater RCS linears though!
  7. Welcome to the KSP forums! Happy flying! Arrr! Resident Capt\'n Skunky Impersonator. Also, how stable is that car? Mine got a better speed, but tends to flip and explode at the slightest breeze.
  8. Sure, he could do that... Or since he has a decouple (Which is stupid and a massive waste of mass), he can just parachute down anyway.
  9. Could be different from takeoff. And looking back at your picture, it looks a lot more sensible the second time I look at it. You probably need wheels on the stand though. I tried wheels, found they didn\'t work well, and so just used the capsule inverted as the point of a top.
  10. 277.9 with 13 engines. I think I\'m done with this for now, I\'ll let others in Also, if you do \'restart flight\' the maximum speed over land is totally inaccurate. For me, I start off with a supposed speed of 3500 or so, and that is what shows in the flight report.
  11. 276.3 with 9 engines + 2 taxi engines to turn around (as I run out of room on the runway...)
  12. 272.6 with 7 engines, and a new explosion ejection velocity record of 1700m/s.
  13. 227.8 with 1 engine, just after it flipped over and subsequently detonated. Welcome to the forums! I\'ve also got 199.9 with three engines, 253.8 with 2 engines, and 263.5 with 4 engines. Oh, and 1500 after my capsule flipped, the fuel tank exploded, and my capsule was jetisonned at absurdly high speed away from the crash site.
  14. The point is, this is a nonsense challenge. The minimum stable orbit is hardcoded in at 69200m where the atmosphere begins. Its not a \'challenge\' to try to get an orbit here when you know the altitude, other then trying to fight the kraken for those last few meters.
  15. No offense, but that ship looks like you grabbed a bunk of parts, spread some glue out randomyl, and tossed the parts into a bin, then tried to fly what came out. As per tilted, I tried rising to 500 m or so, tilting, and then restarting engines, but the ship just corrected back to vertical.
  16. RCS is overrated anyways. Real pilots land without!
  17. I managed a stock helicopter as well. I tried to add RCS to control its direction without realizing how stupid an idea that was. It is extremely robust, and will continue flying when it has lost 1/4 of its wings and 2 of its engines. If uou spin it up too far, the engines WILL break off. IUt would be cool if they added a part that could rotate on the axis so you could have a real helicopter rotor.
  18. Hiding in a mine shaft 2km underground
  19. I dont see the need for tables at all. Put the craft in orbits at the same altitude, then if you are behind in orbit, drop your orbit slightly to catch up. If you are ahead, increase orbit to slow down. Once you can see tyhe craft (within 100km), burn towards it or however you need to to just keep the distance going down. Then just slow yourself down until the relative velocity as you see the numbers change is low or zero. Done.
  20. I have never used it, but can you please use capitalization correctly? Only the first word in a sentence should be capitalized, with the exception of proper nouns. As it is, it is as bad as no capitalization t all.
  21. I see no reason why you couldnt turn horizontal, kll velocity mostly with rcs, then land with wheels. The surface doesnt model the giant dustcraters and such that might screw you up, so it should work.
  22. Then your not doing it right! You should land on those fuel tanks, lift off, then ladn on minimus with your real lander! Nice ship though. Except the decoupler before capsule. That irks me.
  23. I never liked the munrise thing, I always use the map screen. I burn when the mun is 1/4 of an orbit behuind where my apoapsis will be after the burn.
  24. I am told it is some distance hanging above the surface.
  25. The kraken really depends how complicated your ship is. Really complicated ships are effected much more. The last kerbol mission I was on the kraken was quite bad, but this is because I was attempting to reverse the direction of my orbit to smack into kerbin at 18,000m/s (I didn\'t make it, not enough delta V), so needless to say my ship was quite large. However, I was still able to control my ship, mainly by exploiting what I call the time warp ASAS. If you jump to x5 warp for a second all your ships rotatiion and stuff stops, making it a lot easier when your controls are absolutely totalled by the kraken (At one point left arrow pulled me up, right arrow pulled me left, down pulled me right, and nothing pulled me down.)
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