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    Kerbal Space Program
  1. Finally figured this out. It was not MKS related. I had KAS-1.0 (BETA) installed instead of "the real" KAS (0.6.3). Installing "the real" KAS alongside didn't fix the problem. I had to completely uninstall the BETA fork. I also had to replace all the KAS.JS1 on the ships I had deployed with KAS.CPort1 in the save file.
  2. @DStaal, Thanks for the reply! I've tried being so close poor Bill bonks his dome on the thing.
  3. I've been struggling with the flexotubes. I put my Duna parts base on Minimus in my career game and tried to connect them and realized I couldn't get the flexotubes to attach. Simply put, the right click menu only showed camera controls and disassemble part. So to rule out some of the complexity, I went into sandbox and created the setup in the attached photo. Basically, it is two Pioneers sitting across from one another. They are deployed. I've got Flexotubes attached to their ports with the door facing out (not the text side that says face to ship). Good old Bill has his electric screwdriver equipped and is next to one of the tubes. When I right click, I just get Aim Camera, Reset Camera, and Disassemble Part. No Link option like I usually get for KAS items. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
  4. I would love to echo these comments. I built a crazy Minimus base that would bounce from time to time, but one day every time I would switch to it, the thing would vibrate until it exploded. It nearly made me stop playing KSP. KJR to the rescue! THANKS!
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