I'd like to get one.
I have a question, since it was possible to create such an "antenna", is it possible to create your own items / antennas in Rocket League?
Items to Rocket League you will find in crates, crates you earn for the game. However, it does not matter how well you play or what your rank is, the time you play is important. You can really drive a car and do nothing, and you'll get crates anyway.
However, the number of crates is random, what crate you draw is random, and crates is more and more. Champion Crate 4, Champion Crate 3, Chapmion crate 2 and Champion Crate 3, you can get them, and you can also buy them on Odealo.
Turbo Crate, Nitro Crate, Velocity Crate, Haunted Hallow Crate, Secret Santa Crate, player's choice crate and still new crates appear.
Get back with new crates there are new items for Rocket League such as White Zomba, TW Zomba, Heatwave, Reaper, antenna
All can be bought and I buy Rocket League Crates
It's very useful for people who have little time and want to have fun with opening crates, then the keys are also useful.