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    EVA Re-Entry Specialist
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    Low Kerbin Orbit

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  1. I am having issues with the new docking parts, for some reason the LK-1 docks with the Soyuz and can't undock. And a week ago the new ASTP docking nodes wouldn't connect.
  2. Do you have the fins attached to the side boosters? Also, I usually attach RCS to the core stage for additional control. It seems like you are having a drag issue at a high center of gravity on the launch vehicle.
  3. I usually attach it to the docking node and offset to match the shape of the fairing. Also, I typically program a LES Jettison/Decouple Node action group.
  4. I just double checked, my Smurff is at 0.25, I am getting roughly 4620 m/s (Atmo) 5788 m/s (Vac) of DV with my TKS build. Not counting the extra DV you can get from the Tug engines on the TKS itself. In 2.5x you need just under 5k Dv to reach 70km orbit. Gravity turn is useful, but I always leave the turn at 10 degrees or less, otherwise it tends to be overzealous with the pitch maneuver.
  5. I play 2.5x and Tantares LV are OP if anything. 1.5x atmosphere is overkill IMO. Roll that back and everything should be fine. Also, you might want to use SMURFF for the other rockets, I have it set to 20%
  6. Thanks, it's been hard constantly updating the install while saving the depreciated parts from past builds, I can't stand the rust look, especially because I like mixing and matching the old tanks with OP capacity.
  7. Amen! @Gapone, you need a lesson in manners. @CobaltWolf has spent countless hours making an amazing mod and is always receptive to feedback, your posts come off as obnoxious and rude. If you want to tweak things, you can always do it yourself. I am constantly editing BDB parts, textures...etc. I do the same with Tantares.
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