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Everything posted by Radboy16

  1. I've owned this game for a few years now, and you know what I have NEVER done? Build a spaceplane. I've only done rockets up to this point, and maybe flown a stock spaceplane once just to see the old KSC easter egg. Are space planes any more advantageous over plain old rocket launches? What is their practicality (i.e. what planets can I go to with them, how should they be built, etc etc...)
  2. You and your missing curly braces :wink:

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    1. AccidentalDisassembly


      Hah, yeah, I was so pleased that the script I used to find them actually worked I figured I'd spread the love!

  3. Figured it out. When mapping the Axes, you select which modes you want that axis to be used in. In this case, Rotation as well as Translation axes all default to enabled in every single mode. I think this is quite a ridiculous default setting, as one would expect Translation to only work while in translation mode, Rotation only in staging or rotation, etc etc.
  4. Hey guys! So, I find that using my joystick is really helpful for docking. When I switch to docking mode, the game does in fact use the axis mappings I made for translation. However, it also superimposes these controls with regular flight, so my ship is rotating as i'm trying to translate. And no, this isn't imbalanced RCS. If I just use the keys (IJKLHN) dedicated for translation, there is no rotation. Is there some setting I am missing here? I'm in translation mode, but switching to/from rotation mode makes no difference.
  5. I'm getting a crash on my save. I have narrowed it down to either this mod, or to tweakscale. output_log.txt I'm using the latest versions of Real Plume/Smoke Screen/TweakScale on CKAN. The crash-to-desktop happens as I am time accelerating towards a ship I am trying to rendezvous with. Once I get within loading distance of the other ship, CRASH! There are some debris nearby that is using scaled liquid radial engines (THUD radial engine, or MK 55 from the game files) from the stock game. Deleting debris stops the crash. Uninstalling either TweakScale or Real Plume/SmokeScreen stops the crash. From what I can see, the last thing the game does before crashing is that the Smoke Screen module is attempting to adjust the size of the plume smoke. [SmokeScreen ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX] Found TweakScale. Rescaling by 0.500 final scale 0.200 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) Crash!!! That is what the last few lines look like before the crash. It seems like the game is crashing as SmokeScreen is adjusting for the tweakscale size. I should add that the crash only happens while in time warp. Normal speed is fine.
  6. Any solutions to this? I'm having a similar problem. The icons for the vessels (I.E. space station symbol/probe symbols) in the graphical orbit mode are extremely small. I have to zoom in just to see them (and at that they are low resolution). No, i'm not using CKAN for this mod (although the CKAN version has the exact same problem anyways) This only happens on the MK1 Command pod and MK1 Lander Can. If I use the MK1-2 plugin by ASET, the orbits are correctly displayed for that one.
  7. I'm getting a crash on my save. I have narrowed it down to either this mod, or to RealPlume. output_log.txt I'm using the latest versions of Real Plume and TweakScale on CKAN. The crash-to-desktop happens as I am time accelerating towards a ship I am trying to rendezvous with. Once I get within loading distance of the other ship, CRASH! There are some debris nearby that is using scaled liquid radial engines (THUD radial engine, or MK 55 from the game files) from the stock game. Deleting debris stops the crash. Uninstalling either TweakScale or Real Plume stops the crash. Note: The crash doesn't happen if i'm under 1.0x simulation speed. It only happens if the ship is loaded into the view distance while under time acceleration. Any help? The Real Plume dev said it was most likely a problem on TweakScale's end.
  8. Possibly. I'll add a post there. But from what I can see, the last thing the game does before crashing is that the Smoke Screen module is attempting to adjust the size of the plume smoke. [SmokeScreen ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX] Found TweakScale. Rescaling by 0.500 final scale 0.200 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) Crash!!! That is what the last few lines look like before the crash. It seems like the game is crashing as SmokeScreen is adjusting for the tweakscale size. I should add that the crash only happens while in time warp. Normal speed is fine.
  9. I'm getting a crash on my save. I have narrowed it down to either this mod, or to tweakscale. output_log.txt I'm using the latest versions of Real Plume and TweakScale on CKAN. The crash-to-desktop happens as I am time accelerating towards a ship I am trying to rendezvous with. Once I get within loading distance of the other ship, CRASH! There are some debris nearby that is using scaled liquid radial engines (THUD radial engine, or MK 55 from the game files) from the stock game. Deleting debris stops the crash. Uninstalling either TweakScale or Real Plume stops the crash.
  10. I have a feature request..... Can you add the live trajectory (impact) calculations for non-atmospheric bodies like the Mun? It's be nice to have that same "X" marker on the Mun when I adjust my orbit so that I don't have to manually adjust for the rotation of the planet.
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