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Everything posted by bob_kelso

  1. Hey guys, i accidently activated the debug mode when the popup came out and then closed it....Since then, i can't find any way to activate the debug popup again to get the debug mode off. Anyone having any hints please?^^
  2. Hi, i've been playing KSP RP1 for a while now, it is almost the perfect kerbal game today :). Just a quick question, do you guys are missing solar panels from the ro solar mod??? I see all these parts in the game data folder that don't show up in the techtree or the VAB. Is it a known issue or i did something particular to trigger that?^^ Sorry for the really foggy description^^. Edit: Moreover, can anyone tell me if there are Ore or Regolith variable for the tanks? Because i cannot find the correspondant container or it doesn't need to be stored before being processed? (im using kerbalism)
  3. Hi, the will of not being able to plan a manoeuver that takes more dV actually makes the game blocked because the actual dV analysis provided is mostly wrong, for instance i get 0dV while having more than half of full fuel tanks. Could you just simply deactivate this feature until the stuff is properly fixed and clean?
  4. Hi, i'm using sspx with kerbalism the RP1 suite on RSS. I've noticed that it seems that the 6,75m habs have an issue that doesn't get logged. When i launch a station with for instance the big 6,75m hab my timewarp gets all f***ed up, the game gets incredibly laggy until it just freezes. If i destroy the station in the tracking station, everything gets back to normal. Is it a known issue? And is my description clear enough?^^ Otherwise this mod is amazing thx so much for the crazy work edit: seems to be related to boil off stuff, if your remove gaz and liquidgaz it s not an issue anymore
  5. HI guys, first, wanted to thank you for the crazy work you did over the time, last RO-RSS install was on 1.3.1, now playing with a new set with Principia, Kerbalism and stuff on 1.8.1, this is crazy improvements! So thanks again to everyone. My question was concerning the solar power degradation, i was willing to know more about how it works but i cannot manage to find any intel on the wiki talking about that, is there any link to know more? Or could anyone explain how it works? On some launches, it appears that i have solar wear over 70% right at the launch, would anyone could explain me what i'm doing wrong to provoke this?
  6. Oh ok my bad^^ thanks for the answer will patiently wait for the update. Cannot imagine playing a regular kerbin system game without MKS , would feel too empty as is haha. My big thanks for this mode to Roverdude BTW
  7. Hi! Made some research but did not manage to find any intel. I've downloaded the last version of MKS compatible with 1.8.1 and i cannot find the DIY Kits, did they disappear? Thought first was a tech tree issue, but i cannot find it in the sandbox mode either. Am i missing something?^^
  8. Thanks for the tip! Made me able to recover the save properly.
  9. Hi! First thx for the update to 1.8 this is a great news Nevertheless, i discovered that if you get your kerbal grouchy (life support time limits like hab for instance) the save gets corrupted with a excrementsload of NullRefException and makes the Kerbals unusable anymore. Am i the only one getting this issue? I tried several things to fix it but didnt manage to succeed. If you guys have any hints ^^. edit: just found that in the astronaut complex. Tried as well to EVA Jeb and it kinda fixes the thing but the nullref is still there. So means i have to forget about jeb and let it stay in orbit forever. If i destroy him then the astronaut complex becomes empty on the left column that is specialized for hiring.
  10. Actually found the solution by deleting the cloudshadow config in the cfg file itself. Works fine that way.
  11. Hi! Quick question, i tried to put the shadow material to 0 but it doesn't fade the cloud shadows. Would you have any tips for the value to tweak so i can either remove the cloud shadows, or even better, have some transparency to fade it out? Here is a sceenshot. Im on RSS 1.2.2 using ETO
  12. I just ask but i think the answer is no^^. Is this mod compatible with previous versions like 1.2.2?
  13. Hi! I asked this in the RO thread, but got guided to here. Maybe you guys can help me. I'm running an install with RO/RSS in 1.2.2. I'm currently working on Venus and Mercury missions but i have massive issues with heat. It starts from venus and then increases pretty high, makes me unable to reach mercury because all the probes will overheat and explode before even reaching Mercury's SOI, i have the same issues in space near Venus, can't even get to touch Venus atm or everything will blow out instantly (but what i read on other thread would explain that by high pressure stress on the probe?). My designs use coatl aerospace probes and some heat exchangers (which allow me 80kw of cooling). I did not find any other parts that could do the trick fine, so i feel a bit blocked for thoses planets^^. Would you guys have any tips for success or is it some kind of bug related to extreme values that i should modify? I noticed that i can ultra cool the probe with a 100x timewrap, but when coming back to RT, boom.
  14. OK then THx for the answer, will ask in the good thread
  15. HI! Not sure it's the right topic...but anyway. I'm trying to do Venus and Mercury missions in RO/RSS on a 1.2.2 install but i have massive issues with heat, wether in space between Venus and Mercury, or even is space near Venus (not to mention in space near Mercury, which i can access only with timewrap then directly explode). Would it be some kind of bug or are my parts simply not sufficient for the mission?
  16. HI! Just a quick question, im still on the 1.2.2 set and will probably wait for the 1.4 to be released before updating (because lots of parts mod still are only compatible for 1.2.2). I'm trying to find a working Soyuz TMA and Progress M for RO, i tried bobcat's, DECQ's but i can't find one that works fine ( i believe these are no longer supported). Some parts are missing and some parts do not work as they should. Any ideas on a working mod for these spacecrafts? Too bad they are discontinued though, they look sexy^^
  17. Thanks for the incredibly fast feedback raidernick (btw is the occasion the tell how much your packs are awesome and thank you for them). So maybe it would mean that i possibly just need to change the parts names in the cfg's?
  18. Hi! First i want to say that this mod is just basically amazing, incredible work from lots of people including all the compatible mods and config. I just have a little question, do you have any advice on making the KK launcher's pack work properly with RSS/RO? I mean the cfg files are there but in the vab i can switch fuel or anything and the parts only contains liquid fuel/ox and monoprop. But again, love your work guys, can't just go back to the "normal" kerbal stuff after trying this.
  19. Hi! First, awesome work! I love the modeling and the polishing, and the IVA's are a must impressive! I just have one little comment lol^^, would it be possible to include space habitat variables to the centriguges? It does not count as living space in Kerbalism Continued, making the part quite useless in terms of life support functions. Another thing (well apparently makes 2 comments^^), but i think is mostly due to Kerbalism Continued, is that the life support parts doesn't countain much quantity of food or water, but i assume is related to the consumption variable of Kerbalism that makes your parts not having that much quantities. As an example, the largest container only contains food and oxygen for 30 days with 6 kerbals in the vessel, dunno if is the same concerning the other LS mods But still, thanks soooo much for this amazing mod :)!
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