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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. If 1 is least and popovers is worst, then... I'll replace popovers with Emiko with Magikarp scales. Namely, this Magikarp. Although, @SchwinnTropius has a point.
  2. :( I'm sorry guys, but from this day forward, you will see that I will be online much less. Don't worry, just a few days, but there will be no pattern.

    School's starting soon, Seeker needs maintenance, and... I just don't have as much time as I used to.

    Thanks for being such good friends, I look forward to browsing the forums and getting 12 dots!

  3. I just noticed your new sig, I love it! @JadeOfMaar by the way, @Tex has been offline for like 2 months.
  4. Yay. Now stop pinging me I'm watching GH. I'll BRB.
  5. I'd like to be here... not sure how though.
  6. Granted. You go BOOM! I wish for me to figure out my fons
  7. *poofs* Waitress! Liam Kerman is in my soup!!! Help!
  8. I got here earlier?! Sorry. @SnacklessKerbal
  9. Someone fixes the Power Plant, and guards it with a bunch of Onix (hope that's okay with Minmus Derp). Our hill-planet.
  10. So, a few weeks ago, I had CurseForge in one tab and the Forums in the other, when, I realized I had the same mod on both tabs (I don't remember which), when, I realized, they had completely different version specifications! When I downloaded my first mod, it was from Curse. I went to SpaceDock, and, the version was latest? So, is Curse not reliable anymore? Or am I imagining it?
  11. {TotD}


    Hi! @ZooNamedGames needs a new ringtone for their iPhone.

    Anny sugs?

    1. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      I know! The refreshing sound of reentry, really loud. UNMISTAKEABLE!

    2. HansonKerman



      or my parents' SUV's AC trying to cool us off...

      I mean, it does a good job... 

      But still...

  12. Hope you like Seeker! It's not very good :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Piatzin


      :D Kind of

      I interpreted it as a metaphor for how you're unsure of how things will go exactly, but have a general idea of where it'll end up (the story). The rest was borderline gibberish to me.

      Your mind clearly  works in mysterious ways o_o

    3. HansonKerman


      Yup. Great minds think alike.( as in my dad thinks the same way)

      Really, the missing piece was my skills and how things go, and the puzzle itself was the present. The wrong piece was me honing my skills, as in, finding the next piece, and finding the right piece.

      wow, you're right. It's near gibberish to me now.

    4. Piatzin


      Metaphors can be tricky :D

      But it makes sense, if you think about it in an abstract manner ;)

  13. granted. you get courier new and inability to caps i wish that @fraston would make their profile a glitch again.
  14. So, what's up with all the users who have "Never" visited or left the day they joined???
  15. Sorry, I thought this was dead. Waiter! There's no idea!
  16. It was de-orbited after the TS's fix. And, Minmus is nice. 9/10.
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