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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. OUCH! I wish there was a scrollbar for signatures.
  2. Guess. P.S. What mod is that? P.P.S. I think this is KSP Discussion.
  3. @Ho Lam Kerman Ha ha. Yes. You are possessing the mind of Mitburry Kerman, who exploded the maintenance craft with supernatural powers. The bad guy gives character to all, though... I'm jealous of your place!! I'm just Hanson, lying buy the sideodarode. Oh, and you've forgotten how to spell.
  4. and I was the one who gave the last two!!
  5. Supplementary material: How ships are named: First, the body to go to, then the class of the ship, a nickname, acronym/initialism of the manufacturer, and number. So if I had a lander to go to Minmus manufactured by Zaltonic Electronics, name being Jelly, and it's ZE's 7th rocket, we'd have Minmuslander "Jelly" ZE-07. So, [body][class] "[name]" [manufacture]-[number]
  6. Woah! A joke!! Nice-cream!! UYM!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Select with your mouse highlight to read the ban below. GOTCHA! All o u ban!!
  8. HI! @Ho Lam Kerman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Chapter 9: A Ghost's Lamentation, part 2. Woo! It's been so long since someone's gone up to the KS! Nice to have a solid body! So. Conteckst. Lesse. the sattion has ben in Disreper ever since the sudden ckombuzzton of Node 93 - Habring, which destroyed everything eckzept the Core. and when that fol Mittburri came, I possessed him. The battrys have I been saveing for this moment. I tell you, this is my revenge. KASA will pay. I was left. I am HO LAM KERMn, LAST SCIENTIST OF KERBIN STATION. THIS IS M REVNGE. KASA Tracking Station - 5:13 Kranz stood in the TS at night. Suddenly, a transmission came in. Handwritten... odd. When he finished reading, he searched the newly expanded R&D Archives. Sure enough, there was a Kerbal named Ho Lam Kerman who disappeared after the combustion of Habring. Kranz searched up "Kerbal Ghosts" on the KerbNet Search Browser...
  10. Note: this chapter will have no pictures for extended creepiness. For @Ho Lam Kerman lam·en·ta·tion ˌlamənˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun noun: lamentation; plural noun: lamentations the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping. "scenes of lamentation" synonyms: wailing, sobbing, moaning, keening, grieving, "the survivors' lamentation" Chapter 8 - A Ghost's Lamentation, Part 1 Mitburry Kerman: EVA Log 1: EVA Time 00:00:20 Nice to have a break from that Hanson. A well deserved rest after our Kerbin Station inspection. Nice to finally get back on this project. The rumors of a ghost? Ha!... bleh. Wait- oh never- there it is again!! What is- I'm trembling... my brain feels l-like ... slimy? Oh, I'm scar -
  11. Well, it’s exactly like @ZooNamedGames and @razark said: And, the same thing: Also, this is in stock. Contracts! And the Science Archives!!!!! Mods are nice, but like @ZooNamedGames said, trophies don’t mean much when you have a gold for every single one. If the specific is added, there might be an option for people like me: noobs, and people like @Matt Lowne: able to make hotels orbiting Jool to turn them off. And finally,
  12. Nice! I’ll be following the adventures of Jeb! Very cool, @Triop
  13. Ah yes. Minmus. Beautifully crystallized. My idea? The lakes are indeed Salt Flats, mixed in with crystals. The rest? Just regular mint color crystal.
  14. Dr-es of course because it’s: 1. Hard to get to. 2. Has a reasonable modifier. 3. Has... interesting terrain. Well, if you set up a base, don’t forget: Air: Unbreatheable. Water: F-I-L-L-E-D with salt. Bring a purifier.
  15. ‘course, @Kernel Kraken is right. And you shouldn’t worry too too much. If you want to, make sure you want it forever, and ask a Moderator in the Namechange thread. If not, don’t
  16. hasty TotD:


    By our friend @KSK, we have The KSP FanWorks Library! This fun space lets you Forum legally advertise your fanfics, add an optional blurb, and hang out with authors and their books!

    1. Chel


      I'll check it out

  17. Beef, eggnog, and, YUM, pink berry le-mon-ade!!
  18. No groups please. that sells trampolines. the building is a bikeshop
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