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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. 527 let's stop this is getting weird
  2. @purpleivan Sheesh! Super scary!! 'ny-way, has @katateochi decided what to do?
  3. {Thread of the Day} 


    By @Rage097, we have...

    The Minmus Thread!

    Here, we attempt to answer a question: What is it all made of? 'course, that's not all.

  4. According to @Matt Lowne, TX is the byproduct of the infinite energy. Kerbals do nat have warp yet, they will make it at the very end of the story. I got everything except that. This is what's hard for me. I can't do that without completely destroying my sense of direction. Elaborate plz?
  5. Alright, now that this thread has beeeeen revived, Chapters will now, by an Engineer's Oath, come by faster!
  6. Same! Sadly... eeeh... sorta. TUBM will not criticize.
  7. Location: Somewhere in the orbit of Laythe trying to explode Astatine 8/20 Long and completely gibberish in my ears but shows promise!
  8. YES! anyway Banned for not letting a Moose eat all the snacks.
  9. Finally, after numerous tries, we present... Episode 10: The Rescue of Natallian Kerman (or, On With The Show!) Using the Kerbal Rescue II, we launch from Sandy Peninsula, Kerfrica, into orbit. We then rendezvous with Natallian, who grudgingly hops in. After the ride she plants a flag known as "Nattalian's Return". What could that mean?
  10. (for @The Minmus Derp) A timeline of the universe as we know it Courtesy of the Kerbal Museum of Natural and Unnatural History (KMUH) 93 Liam Drive, Kervana 1 D.C.E. - Darbels finish their evolution. 20,000 D.C.E. - Darbels finish first rocket, a time capsule named Backup One 20,000 D.C.E - Darbels launch many more rockets, even making a hotel around Serpent. It won't last long, though... 30,000 D.C.E. (Darbels live super long) - Eden is decimated by TX, a byproduct of the newly discovered unlimited energy source. Serpent crashes into Eden soon after. 1 K.C.E. - Kerbals form a new civilization on The Atlas, newly renamed Kerbin, hence the name Kerbal. 20 K.C.E - The Terminus Crash happens, sending Kerbals underground. 25 K.C.E. - Kerbals rediskover their old love for space, and they create a new aboveground space program. 2000 K.C.E. - The Ant|kolizationgrou is {formed, the mission being to "decontaminate" Kerbal exploration. The bottom line? complete destruction/extinction.} - note: destroy this 2090 - present day
  11. Once, when I stopped for a year, I forgot how to exit IVA. C to exit IVA.
  12. Journey to the Center of Kerbin - The Story of One Kerbal, One Ore Tank, and a Physics Glitch.
  13. I believe so. There’s a legend of Green Iron Crown, back when you could dislike-1 rep. He got disliked at 0 rep, thus giving him - -1 rep. After a “de-rep GIC” game, he got mod auto-repped to -20,000. Then people tried to rep him to 0. But he was removed. I, personally never met GIC. nup.
  14. Yez-indeedy-do! TUBM likes cooooold.
  15. ...that sells explosives. The building is the Mission-discovery author's booth...
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