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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. I have only OPM (which I don't exactly love) but I want KSS (I don't have much memory)
  2. I miss him even more, I loved Ares... Wonder where he went.
  3. ??? I confused. It won't be chapter 12, it will be Chapter One of Book Two - Mystic. Also, this is a weekend project, on weekdays I'm just another Forum-goer with some of the best online friends ever. ???
  4. And (I've actually changed that now) Batteries (I'm not comfortable sharing these) Let's see ???
  5. @linuxgurugamer I think I saw its page somewhere once, but I never installed it.
  6. @Ho Lam Kerman and I have already appeared, @The Minmus Derp will appear in the next book, and you and @DeltaDizzy... I'm not quite sure. I'm planning @Earthlinger to be Liam's apprentice. Which ones? Find out!
  7. That's... kinda mean. But the emoji is a great substitute for :facepalm:.
  8. ...that is made of candy. The building is a blacksmith's forge...
  9. @Vanamonde but has the team ever had to ban a user who somehow slipped under the metaphorical radar?
  10. The final chapter IS HERE!

    1. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      [gasps] THE FINAL????? BUT I WANT MOAR!!!!!!!

  11. She has a very foreboding vibe. I have a nice bunk, though. But today she acted weirder than usual. (we were getting snacks, the white stripe is some kind of cam glitch.) "I'm not feeling so... wooo!!" "What?" I asked, with more concern than I felt. That's when I started hearing panicked screaming. "What's going on?!" I screamed. "Huh?" You screamed... "Um, are you hearing things?" And she bolted. She ran and ran until suddenly, she fell, threw up, and disappeared. Poofed. (I hope you can see that, it's very faint) And just like that, she was gone. And in her place were 2 Kerbals. -------------------------------------------------------------- Natallian I ran. In my mind, I screamed in terror and pain. My head felt like it would split. Suddenly, the pain kicked up to Jool-size. And I fell. It was the blackest night, so no one saw me throw up. And just like that, a flash of light, a beacon, I call it now, shot into the air. I couldn't help it, I looked. My head seared with hot pain, but I didn't care. And, as I hear from my former bunkmate, I poofed. And in my place were two Kerbals. One's intention was blacker than that night. The other's? Filled with happieness. Thus ends Book One: Rescue.
  12. Chapter 11 - 'Twas the Night Before The First Day of the Rest of Your Life being the last chapter of book 1 The engineer's bunk was comfy-cozy, very nice, just as all KASA sleeping quarters were. Mine? I share mine with guess-who. I'm not very comfortable around her. I have an old dictionary. I found an interesting word that describes the vibe well. fore·bod·ing fôrˈbōdiNG/ noun noun: foreboding; plural noun: forebodings 1. fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen. "with a sense of foreboding she read the note" synonyms: apprehension, anxiety, trepidation, disquiet, unease, uneasiness, misgiving, suspicion, worry, fear, fearfulness, dread, alarm; More antonyms: calm adjective adjective: foreboding 1. implying or seeming to imply that something bad is going to happen. "when the doctor spoke, his voice was dark and foreboding"
  13. Next chapter is 2morrow! Tell ya friends!

    1. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      Okay. Who here wants Gratuitous Explosions?

    2. HansonKerman
    3. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      FIAHWORKS! or hypernovae

  14. {Thread of the week}


    By an @Cyrious, we have a nice convenient mod suggestion: A light sensor. If you can't see the sun, turn lights off, or retract solar panels. If you can, do the opposite!

    But what do you think?

    1. Actually_New_KSP_Player


      Hey, that's Cyrious's suggestion.<_<5GhU2pU.png


    2. HansonKerman
    3. Cyrious


      I want another mod that actually intelligently does solar panel outputs according to how much or how little they're shaded (spacecraft components getting in the way and the like) instead of the single arbitrary sensor point that is normally used, but I can see that becoming murderously hard on the game engine if it's too fine-grained.

  15. Ah yes, I support this. It would definitely save a lot of U and Retract.
  16. :) I know many people here that are my besties, even if I only kinda "know" them. And, anyway, happy time here Lo, hope I'm here long enough to do this.
  17. {Thread of the Day}


    By @TheEndHathCome, we present their new fan theory about the Monoliths! Now... what do you think?


    1. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      hmm cool interesting will check out

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