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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. Okay, you changed your LOCATION now? Wow... (also it's Seeker not Seekers)

  2. Alright seriously let me write Chapter One - A Mystic Meeting Author's Note: This will be the last chapter for a long while. I need to get the next chapter ready. And a very big thing ( @Pascovian gave it away) will be happening in December. The following logs are a transcript. I'm lucky to have Liam Kerman as a friend. Poor Stelala... I'm on my last Kit-Kat. My emergency KerbaStik sandwich is my last resort. KerbaStik is a brand of not-food. Not-food? It's... not food. It makes you full for like... two decakerbols... but has NO TASTE. and... I'm talking to no-one. "Sorry, Captain Stelala. I turned on Log after you started talking." Stelala sighed. "Okay, computer." "good thing I have my EVA suit..." she mumbled to herself. "WHO GOES THERE?!" Stelala jumped. "No, who are you?" "WHO GOES THERE?" "Um... Stelala Kerman?" "Thine name is not familiar." The way they talked was unusual. Like... Middle Kerbin?! "Um..." "SPEAK. I have warriors surrounding thee. They will soon smite thee if ye do not announce thine's intentions." Okay. Definitely Middle Kerbin. "Um, my name is Stelala. Wilt thou, perchance, refrain from killing me?" "Who art thou?" "I am a lost explorer seeking shelter." That part was true. An unusual Kerbal wearing a cloak and no collar stepped up. "Dost thou know who I am?" "No, sir," Stelala said, her voice trembling. "Fine. I shall take thee to my burrow. All Kerbals please follow!" A bunch of Kerbals carrying... sticks? came out from the trees. "I thank thee. Wilt thou please state thine name?" "... fine. My name is Millan." "I thank thee, Millan Kerman. You are too kind." "...? Thine hast an unusual accent. I had noticed that." Before Stelala could reply, she realized that they had been walking into a very large room. With a Kerbal who was clearly the leader inside. "You have brought guests, Millan. Who art thou?" "S-s-s-Stelala Kerman." The Kerbal's eyes widened (somehow!). "Millian. Thee and thine patrol may leave." His patrol left. "Um... I come travelling, looking for shelter," Stelala said afterward. "Thine accent is odd. Hm..." Without warning, the leading Kerbal screamed a nonsense word. "Truthio Completus!" Stelala suddenly felt a compelling desire to tell the truth, no, the Truth. So she did. At the end, the Kerbal at the end of the room looked like this: "I usually wouldst say that thee hast not told the truth. But I place full trust in my wand" "-wand?" Stelala thought. "I have speculated for a very long while that this wouldst be possible. I shall help ye." "Familiarize!" The Kerbal glowed purple... and then spoke. "This... is an interesting sensation. Ah, I see you are confused. I simply made myself seem more familiar to you." "Okay..." "Then, let's go!" "But, what - how-" "Ah. How did I do these things?" "Yeeeesss..." "I," the Kerbal at the end of the room said, voice now considerably louder and deeper, "am a Mystic. Magical. Mystical. Legendary. We are the protectors of PEACE ON KERBIN." "Okay..." Stelala said, unfazed. Hey, after a Kerbal changes speech like that, forces someone to tell the truth, and shouts that kind of thing without exploding, you get used to things. "And I suspect you come from a place where Mystics are rare indeed. But I feel an aura of magic around you." "Wait, so I'm-" "Yes. You are A MYSTIC!" "Oh." "..." "..." They sat in silence like that for a long time. "Um... you never told me your name," Stelala finally said. "Star." "Star?" "Star. Just and only Star. The first Mystic. And most magical." "Oh." "..." "..." And with a swish of a cloak, Stelala Kerman and Star were somewhere... not Kerbin. But no-one Star knew was there. This was not a Kerbal domain. But rather, a feeding place for Mystical energy. Welcome to Taythe.
  3. Mission Two - Probey Probe Probe II "Try Try Again" Flight Phase Part One Our majestic probe sits on the LaunchPad. We begin. And since boosters have no gimbal and I forgot fins, we travel in a straight line up for a while. But stage sep comes soon. Going up! We're going to orbit! Look at dem stats! (Ap. Height 55,452m and half a tank of LF) We go to orbit. Orbit insertion is soon! (ok I apparently forgot to take a screenie of the next phase... we got into orbit, but we still had the FIRST stage...)
  4. @Pascovian It won't. Also LET ME MAKE THE NEXT CHAPTER (last for a few months) Also I'll be making backstory 'n stuff
  5. ??? Well, I'd rather it is, because I want the continuity to be continuous, and maybe having a base at Kirn or something might help show that this isn't a fledgling space program
  6. I diskovered a NEW HABITABLE PLANET?! Woo! An engineer discovering a planet!
  7. @DualDesertEagle There’s actually not much going on in this thread... poor Emiko
  8. Don't pester modmakers for updates. While I myself have not been monitoring the progress of SVE and Scatterer, they will be updated when the time comes.
  9. A cracking map? Not sure where you'll go with that... You there! I'd like a small kookie plz
  10. Oof. Let's see how you do!
  11. Nice new profile!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HansonKerman
    3. Pascovian


      i'm working on it

      it's a base-setup thingy

      a.k.a Kolinization.

    4. HansonKerman


      And now I’m on mobile.

      Also IK needs some PICS!

  12. Mission Two - Probey Probe Probe II Construction Phase Woot! If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. Ah, yes. SO! Make the payload. All good probes need a flexible battery. So, procedural parts! (the battery is the circle inside the thingy) I have forgetting issues. But why an antenna? *sigh* All rockets will need a first stage! And a faring for awesome probes! (I wonder what the Kerbals think of that decoupler floating in the air. Bob, did you mix the red food coloring with the translucent levitation potion?!) Nice TWR! MOAR BOOM!! Eh, to be safe let's put on a little EVEN MOAR BOOM!! (1.875, coolness!) Highlighted are awesome sepatrons! For a very clean booster sep. And let's make the boosters its own stage. (it has 2.something TWR even without the second stage) Woo! Let's celebrate @Fengist for making the Fengist Font Factory Mod! Finally, let's add some STYLE! Tune in next time for the flight!
  13. DELETE Dull Emergency Lights for Emergent Trigonometry Emergencies (for launch)
  14. Okay. The mods ban you each time you do. The power to moderate. (I bet I know how this'll go)
  15. Floor 4988: Lots of numbers and alliteration. btw:
  16. HansonKerman


    Nope, SRS-Flux Plasma Engine and smoke the whole board. We can no longer play. Checkmate. ALRIGHT, new game. @The Minmus Derp's dreams to Minmus. (kolinization)
  17. 10x PhysWarp via BTWC (BetterTimeWarpContinued) mod.
  18. I know, right? Anyway, my clipboard says.. Oh right. Sending someone a PM on how to put in images. Don't be alarmed, it's just a probe crashing into Kerbin at 10x PhysWarp. Nuttin ta worry 'bout!
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