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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. @Dman979 Permission granted. Just had trouble finding the thread
  2. So, I do Scratch, and I think it's purty fun, so that got me thinking: Does anyone else here code on Scratch?
  3. Hi, noice to see this going still. I added something to my sig... I don't like how the rest of KN isn't doing so good.
  4. So if I’m using a mobile device, Trebuchet MS will be my font.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HansonKerman


      Ha, ha, whatevs.

    3. Pascovian


      Tahoma, Verdana and Trebuchet all look like arial tho

    4. HansonKerman
  5. um... 73. (LOL it autocorrected to Mun)
  6. HansonKerman


    Bird hunter takes Rook of Spades.
  7. {Thread of the Day}


    By our great friend @Mad Rocket Scientist, we have The Great Forum Test Thread! If you want a place to test stuff without embarrassing/ making yourself look weird, go here!

    1. Mad Rocket Scientist

      Mad Rocket Scientist

      Thank you! A bit of trivia: That was the 8th thread I ever posted, more than 3 years ago.

      Are you going to run this regularly?

    2. HansonKerman
  8. Ha, I have exactly 399 rep.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Piatzin


      1,684, which is four times more

      But seriously guys, what is it with the rep counts XD

    3. KerbolExplorer


      I dont know....


    4. Piatzin


      You have 210!

      Yippee, I am dah most populah hear!

  9. HI friend, hope you enjoy your time!
  10. HansonKerman


    Fonts overwhelm everything. Checkmate. Read the whole 1st page. Moral: It’s not very easy to play without a board.
  11. @Pascovian Yeesh! Ya keep changin' yo font! Although Verdana is cool.
  12. {Thread of the Day}

    by @Triop, we have a funny:

    Yup. You want this.

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