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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. have this empty bowl. waiter, there is nothing in my soup and that is exactly the problem. please fill my bowl
  2. how do you know it is not already popped and is tissue shaped?
  3. objection!!! I will reply whether you like it or not
  4. it’s the centerpiece of our Rocket Kerbal Soup Deluxe. Try it it’s made of pudding. waiter the pudding fell
  5. post another status update noob

    probably kidding

  6. also profile update

  7. I have a tumblr btw

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HansonKerman


      it’s on our

      D I S C O R D

      which you should

      T O T A L L Y C H E C K O U T

    3. HansonKerman


      but I’ll put it

      H E R E F O R C O N V E N I E N C E


    4. VoidCosmos
  8. does anyone know how to cure me of homestuck It’s taking over my life —message merge slso since ksp2 was delayed what if we actually achieve the goal —x2 combo also I updated my profle
  9. everywhere I go I keep confusing years for sweeps so when I hear my own age I’m like “holy frick that’s old” and then I remember I do not live in a society controlled by an evil power level 9000+ psionic who would kill me in an instant luckily ———message merge——— I live on earth btw :lmao_star:
  10. <nes chiptune style music starts playing> Help me I am descending into homestuck related madness it could also just as easily be its showtime in which case <Mettaton intensifies>
  11. how long will this take? I could probably have a module up around ~4/13 (the homestuck day >:D)
  12. I knew we shouldn’t have told the tech guy to work at the food court— eXCUSE ME THE TECH GUY IS IN MY SOUP
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