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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. <Aperture Science music> Klamperture Science SFPS, KSLFHSRPS, and KSLFHSRPS2
  2. right... @Skywalket isn’t feeling so hot these days, so it’s a drop out. we will continue and I hope he drops by to see us. : D Because of this and a Kraken attack, @Misguided_Kerbaland I have decided to start over, in a more official manner. Also keep TRACK OF YOUR POINTS PEOPLE
  3. Oh yeah first thing when I get onto the computer: PROGRESS. as old Cave Kerman said: You’re fired! he said that a lot... this also means you got 4 points and that leaves you with a total of 2 points
  4. Restart the game. Restart the save. Load a quick save. Do whatever it takes. Just
  5. who the frick are you and why do you talk in cursive cool. And to answer misguide day question, Danny has one, but only commented to say “thanks” on CursorDeleter and it’s @Mr. Fusion, and jacksepticeye has one and only commented on an old daily kerbal to say “thanks for featuring my video.” the only actually active one I know is @Gameslinx who’s Linx on youtube also scott Manley has one to make a thread for some mission he and @ShadowZone made, which has a completely unintelligible name
  6. ???? (yes I went to the trouble of putting those in Lucida sans. ahh shut up close parenthesis
  7. lol I gathered 35 science from my jumping flea lmao get rekt
  8. however i do have a photo for this: this rocket has apart count of 17, so it gives 2 points when flown. ok im done here for now im placing my bet on @Skywalket
  9. Okay, I foregot to take photos like the dummy I am, but I did record my points. i got nothing done, but i have two points currently. None of my missions went over 10 parts and they were all under 3 hours I also have General Rocketry and Survivabilit
  10. hey you cant do that im giving you two points as penalty Since everyone is starting at different times, Misguided is getting -(however many points i decide to take from him when he starts), im penalizing myself 1 point and skywalket is penalized 2 points
  11. The Next Step a space race between friends Hello, all. You might know me from around the forums, and if you don't, im that one who floats around making game references that only a small group of people will get, and tells people to join my discord all the time. This is a KSP "space race". It's a thing between friends, specifically, me, @Misguided_Kerbal, and @Skywalket. Not Skywalket anymore because he’s not feeling great when playing KSP. We are all very happy for Skywalket and we hope he drops by from time to time. We decided on discord that it would be cool, so here it is. This is very important read this message this ome What this is Like i said, we all call it a "space race". There are a few rules, but i hope it's simple. Difficulty: Science mode Normal difficulty Now, the cool stuff: First and most important: points are bad bad, bad points we don't like points you dont like points nobody likes points There's a points system in place for judging missions. Points will be forced upon unwilling, sad, crying users for when their craft are not perfect. POINTS WILL BE GIVEN WHEN: Each 3 hours during a flight (as in, MET being 3 hours) will give you 5 points. e.g. MET is three hours - flight gets 5 points 6 hours - 10 points and less than 3 is 0 points yay ........................................ 2 points for every 10 parts on a rocket. Less than 10 - 1 point ........................................ At the end of the race, points will be added up for each player: me, Misguided_Kerbal, and Skywalket. There are special points that will be given or taken at the end. If you are first to Duna, 20 points will be taken from your total. If this somehow goes into negative... well then you have negative points, nice! 5 points will be given for every craft launched. This does include the prerequisites, which we will talk about now. Prerequisites Now, remember that it isn't that cool if you just science farm and get to Duna. So, first and foremost: no science farming. That just makes the game boring. Now, craft must be launched before you land on Duna. No exceptiions, and landing on Duna will count as invalid if you haven't met these. 3 comsats around Kerbin 1 space station (single launch space stations are allowed) 1 flag on Mun and Minmus 1 probe to Duna or Ike then, plant a flag on duna, and the game ends as soon as it comes back and you hit "recover". Remember to post a lot of photos of every key point and craft. No mods, no dlc, be nice, and most importantly... win Let the games... begin. join my discord h Points tally @Misguided_Kerbal: 92 @HansonKerman: 117
  12. first: we want to be the first to Duna second: The Break Room link in sig
  13. I take that as a yes. Vanilla 1.10 / 1.9 Starts when everyone is ready no dlc only BetterTimeWarp and KAC say so on the forum or discord when you’re ready. (discord recomended bc im moar active there) :DDD
  14. Oh, yes. It added so much personality in all the right places
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