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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. first, the thing that will crucify me. I liked Jar Jar Binks and the prequels as a whole. Also pop music is horrible. I know it’s in the name but I don’t like it I don’t have a problem, but seriously. I don’t like how many “nominal”s there are. As for “lift off”, that’s fine. Rockets are cool. But like. seriously. Dude. Just... we know it’s nominal.
  2. Minmus helped me (again) set up my Discord, the Break Room (link in sig go check it out <3 I love it like a child). I made a lot of progress and its alpha stage is basically complete. Why not check it out
  3. Thank you, so so much.

  4. mobster turrets are like the best <3

  5. join my discord, the "alpha" stage is finished :D very very special thanks to Minmus Derp :D:D

    pretty proud https://discord.gg/8ekDCh

  6. shameless plug: join discord https://discord.gg/8ekDCh join discord -------------------------------------------- Undertale, Bill Wurtz genre, and from time to time whatever's on the radio or Still Alive. fnikhin join discord https://discord.gg/8ekDCh
  7. Still alive~ that was probably my proudest moment on the forums ever Should we do Want You Gone?
  8. Look at me, still talking when there’s Science to do, when I look out there, I’m GLaD I’m not you!
  9. <Addendum Addendum> Go ahead and leave me... I think I prefer, to stay, inside...
  10. <dear test subject> I’m not even angry... I’m being sooo sincere right now...
  11. I know right? It’s so exciting. Seeing little Emiko grow up (well, grow like 12 chapters but whatev)
  12. Wheels barely work anywhere that has low gravity. They work, but a few of the smallest and weakest engines to biome hop will do fine on Minmus and Gilly. Reccomendations: on Gilly, pack batteries and solar panels, slap some xenon on and you have an ion bike. Other planets, heavy engines, some fuel tanks and maybe a Twitch or Spider will work fine
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