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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. when hl3 comes out, we get to see some Old Aperture-style assets on the borealis (I think the blueprints detail an Emancipation Grill and an Unstationary Scaffold). I’m gonna be happy when it comes out in like 2084

  2. Granted but all the rooms are like a centimeterxcentimeterxcentimeter
  3. a mystery hidden in the depths of the forum. Thx!
  4. Jool is fun because you can send a probe down inside, aerocapture conveniently, and get Tylo assists to capture/escape. tylo isn’t worth it tho because it’s so ugly and uninteresting Search up Green Harvest by Matt Lowne. It’s great and will solve all your problems
  5. Earlier today I had aches all over. They’re gone now but I have an omega ultra superheadache instead. Help :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HansonKerman


      I’ve drank like two cans and a few glasses. :( I’m going to bed and it still hurts D:

    3. VoidCosmos


      Get some sleep

    4. Fraston


      *as they are asleep*

  6. yes. The Cloudy Glasses and Dog Residue providean infinite g farm ,,MechJeb is cheating’’
  7. granted but the dark themes also have dark text and dark-styled pictures so rip i wish for
  8. FRICK WHAT HAVE I DONE dont be a cannibal people stay home
  9. 1. Pol. I don’t visit it much but I really like the sights and the chance of double Joolrise (Laythe, Jool, and Tylo). 2. Gilly! It’s a super underrated moon (not an asteroid) that needs love. Plus ION TRANSPORTATION ACROSS THE SURFACE WHAT THE FRICK WHEN WAS THIS TAKEN? I see the old Structural Pylon I think and Jool looks wrong. The frick????? a. UGLY b. Annoyingly hard to land on. c. UGLY
  10. Only a clicker could forget like this
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