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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. I was just trying to talk medieval in a stupid way but you have summed it up perfectly btw 5 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha I beat u to it good for you im stuck with a stupid 4gb asus that has a broken trackpad, heats up a lot, and downloads things at like half the speed it should. It also doesn’t consistently turn on and off, it has a battery life of 3 minutes so I have to keep it plugged in. and to top it all off the est of a better computer is the end of pandemic which will take months maybe years. *defective turret voice* “Ahhhhhh, whatever.”
  2. NOST! Ist cannotst allowst therest tost best zerost postsst inst threest hourst
  3. I don’t have any original stuff to say. It looks phenomenal. I’m
  4. Granted but it becomes huge and destroys everything. I wish someone would kill the bread monster
  5. I just read the trailer and I’m excited. It also coincides with 1.10! HYPED
  6. granted but it’s bread monsters (I’m like 87% sure you expected that) I wish to safely teleport bread
  7. banned for insulting the ascended
  8. So, now do you understand?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Earthbound Spartan
    3. Dirkidirk


      no u don't.

    4. HansonKerman


      put the first word of your username into google and click on the wiki' link. It's actually a great game 

  9. @asser joined after he posted :confused:

  10. I dunno uninstall mods or smthin, info is needed
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