The interesting thing about Portal 2 imo is that it has so many lines. You have a large amount of time in Wheatley’s “lair” to wait and let him talk (one of my favorite lines is him actually hacking the reactor core files and deleting the emergency manual), time with the stalemate button and escape elevator to listen, etc. not to mention the oracle. Plus, Portal 2 has more Rattmann rooms than Portal (though in Portal, there are tips scrawled by him), especially in test chambers imo.
I don’t follow Half-Life, I don’t like Half-Life, I only like it for the plot and have never bought a single game in the series excepting the Portal ones. razark is right, they’re such good games that they can exist whenever they want. Cave Johnson provides enough backstory for me. But cubinator has provided the best explanation ever lmao. That is pretty much it.
FRICK I almost forgot this quote. I enjoy thinking that Portal 2 happens around the said 50,000 years after Half Life and Portal (HL takes place in 2003~ and Portal is between the two games. Time doesn’t matter on a millennium scale). I never thought about waking up during the 7 hour war but I can’t get that out of my head. What if she solved the chambers as it ended and the destruction scene happens at the surrender? Whatever. Portal 2 is perfect for all the reasons you gave, Portal is interesting because I like it a lot after extensively forcing myself to play it. The portal-related graphics (portal gun, portals, portals failing, PORTALS ON A FIZZLER HAVE A DIFFERENT TEXTURE HOLY FRICK, portals traveling (I really like the projectile)) are better imo, and it’s interesting to see this great game that was actually just completely ripped from Half Life 2. Plus it’s buggy. The other day I was just mashing all the function keys to wait out the loading scenes and it teleported me to chamber 15 at the pellet emitter with every weapon. Anyway-
the Portal games are great
im gonna eat my breakfast now
The fact that people like a big Rubik’s cube in space can glitch the game like this says something about HL2 and Portal doesn’t it