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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. I changed my banner to something just as funny

  2. LETS GET THINGS STRAIGHT 1. https://splasho.com/upgoer5/ 2. This is me explaining basic KSP using only the 10k most common English words. (yes it’s based on that one xkcd) 3. I have no idea where to put this. It’s in Fan Works for now. 4. I’m using way too much bold. 5. Here we go! This will be updated. When I’m happy and finished I will say so and leave this to die in page 7 of fan works. 6. THIS WONT BE VERY ACCURATE REMEMBER THAT PLEASE because I have a very limited word choice THANKYOU 7. I will be excepting words in ‘single quotes’. I need them sometimes to define things. 8. Here we go! Fr now KSP Explained with the ten thousand most common English words 1. What is KSP The game Kerbal Space Program is A game that you pay for that shows space and going to space pretty well. It has big space car things that make fire to help them go really fast into space. Sometimes you can decide to have small green people ride into space. You control the big space cars using your computer. Even the real people who do real things in space really like this game.
  3. Boosting was once dishonorable and now it’s the main cause of most of the points

  4. KSP makes it all easy. 1. Burning at high points to increase low points’ height doesn’t waste fuel 2. Have fuel to burn up (not burning up, up like the- nevermind) 3. The sun is a deadly lazer. Don’t get too close 4. the kraken may attack. Don’t worry, just load a quick save. 5. QUICKSAVE ALL THE TIME
  5. You have successfully come off as Sans

  6. explaining quantum mechanics

    When you think very very small, things become very weird. The normal things that we follow kind of stop working. Everyone is confused by it. People in white clothes who do a lot of weird working with numbers even do not know how to figure it out. When you get very small, the normal things you do might happen. It is very weird.


    (Copy/pasted from https://splasho.com/upgoer5/#/my page

    I love this 

  7. If this is stupid, take this down. Anyway... <checks join date - February of 2018...> (noooo...) Back in 2018, I didn’t know this sub forum existed . I should have posted here while I was considered new. It’s been so long yet I still feel new. I want to “remedy my mistakes”. So much has happened since I joined. I burned out on KSP, quit this forum for a good long while (and left a note unlike some), and discovered two of my favorite games: Undertale and Portal 2. The moderation team is amazing. You all are amazing. Maybe this isn’t hello. Maybe this is, hello friends, <insert rest of I Choose You! ending theme>. What I’m saying is... I love you all. I oddly still feel new, even though I have over 1k posts (I’m looking at you, five dots). I love you all. So... hello! (sorry)
  8. your username tempts me to make a reference to <game name here> but I will not. I will resist .
  9. I meant to do that too. I just forgot, unsurprising since it took a week to fully post the challenge. I take it you have played one/both of them then.
  10. and its all my fault... Update 5 it happened i frickin messed up and its all my frickin fault this is frickin stupid. anyway Void "Stone" Seven. I was doing the traditional Mun approach. frick jeb you overshot hurry hurry zoom zoom idk how i got on that inclination FRICK <I Did a smol burn but apparently didnt get a screenie> A nice shot for Slistagram. HullCamVDS is great whoah there tiger. bit fast for that nother shot from the onboard camera restock science jr...!~ science deorbit burn now... this is why my life is a big sadd. i wasnt paying attention i timewarped into the atmosphere in map view slowly... mercilessly... it stayed that high for a while... then, without mercy... it slashed... 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 goshdarnit. rip. im not resetting tho. im following my rules. rip jeb. exploded. it was the way he wanted to go. it was in the contract. Written here! "6b) You, Jebediah Kerman, hereby swear that you will not die excepting for your conditions below (please enter at least one). In a space accident. Exploding. Snack implosion. Kraken attack " this is a sad day. welp...
  11. https://kerbalx.com/HansonKerman/Klamperture-Science-Stellar-Paper-Shredder


    Stellar Paper Shredder craft on KerbalX! Of course, the real person behind this is @VictoryNeverFail, who, (besides having a great profile pic, gen five RISE) made the mission idea for this contract. And remember-


    do not touch the burny end of the device 

    do not look directly at the burning end of the device

    do not submerge the device in liquid fully.

    and most importantly, under no circumstances should you -akjflkjasdfhssa-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HansonKerman


      Sounds like a Klamperture poster.

    3. VoidCosmos


      Who poster?

    4. HansonKerman


      can’t believe you got away this long without playing Portal 2, you monster

  12. Ever played Portal/Portal 2? Aperture has some pretty ridiculous names. A button you put a cube on is the “1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Super-Colliding Super Button”. Anyway, ofcourse you can use that Klamperture Science Nuclear Kerbolar Transfer stage for further use. (craft will be on KerbalX soon)
  13. 2/10 See you sometimes. Not much tho
  14. the word “nerd” came from a dr suess book. Evolution of language can be any speed. Also use your shift key capitalization is a grammar error. Like c’mon. Talking about evolution of language and blaming texting? smh.
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