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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. I will boycott ksp2 if it’s not the sequel portal 2 was. And if it isn’t, it’s not worth my money. Intercept games can release ksp2 tomorrow for all I care. and Kerbol is a deadly lazer
  2. It’s beautiful! ALL OF IT IS BEAUTIFUL! Great job. (also is that an Aperture Science building I see)
  3. I’m not disappointed. That was cute. I expect you to be a welcome addition to the forums. just so you know i am expecting a sequel
  4. I only know him from that one time Matt Lowne rescued some Kerbals in a Soviet type Mun mission in the same video he dropped a megalovania which made me laugh. whatever
  5. gets a slap. inserts another vending machine
  6. HansonKerman


    *cracks nonexistent knuckles* right it’s time some dork named William Riley smthin schnectady new york new york ne usa usa Apollo 11 apollo 11 pop. culture (word video games point ya there) ksp 8! single digits haha
  7. HansonKerman


    *clap clap* now do random article besides, at this point not doing random feels like cheating. Good job tho.
  8. pod_bay_doors.png 
    xkcd brings gold so many times. As a portal fan I’m legally obliged to say this.

    (LEGO Dimensions shifts in eagerness)

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      RIP LEGO Dimensions, that was actually a brilliant game.

  9. that’s what I said! CHEATER! oh... is this the wrong thread
  10. ANGERY. Forcing ANGERY upon Hanson is CheaT (insert meme man/stonks head here)
  11. 55: DOUBEL DORIDBLE DITGITS????? 56: my seecrett ppllaann
  12. sometimes I walk into a room and think about quicksaving.
  13. in the Holly Wood on [insert planet here]. Please sir, may I have
  14. HansonKerman


    from this we can assume that goat is synonymous with game
  15. gets the Stayputnik. inserts happy
  16. what would a theoretical plot for portal 3 be

  17. when I hit 5 dots I will go into hiding again.



    no i won’t 


  18. Never ran it on Steam in my life. Upwards of 3k def. Been playing since I was a wee lad.
  19. yes it was a nice job I had a good time and I’m done with the job I have a lot to do enjoy it I don’t have a time machine or whatever.
  20. Might be able to force a win with my secret plan... 45—
  21. HansonKerman


    can’t believe it made it this far without being locked. @Goat Master would be proud
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