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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. no. i can’t think of anything Waiter there Is laUghes andnd giggle s in mynsoup
  2. *Adventure Core voice* Alright, it’s happening! Everyone, stay calm! im so excited! Can’t watch it right now which makes me ANGER That’s fine, and literally all three of those words are correct.
  3. this is correct -untrue fact telling machine
  4. sorry I haven’t been very active. Busy. KSP is not my main priority, I only play it when I want to do some cool poop. I’m thinking of doing some missions on my career series soon ^_^:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HansonKerman


      it’s a great game

    3. HansonKerman


      I’m learning hammer editor

    4. HansonKerman


      plus I have a discord, which keeps me busy


      join it

  5. see below Ye one simple response: we can see below Ye one simple response: we can see below Ye one simple response: we can
  6. step one: download a mod. Spacedock or a link on the forum work nicely. 2.: it will be zipped. On Mac, there’s an automatic unzipper. 3: on Windows, right click on the folder and “extract all”. Gfour: go into the GameData folder inside the mod folder. There will be a folder with the name of the mod. Copy that. h: go to the game directory and go into the GameData folder, in downloads/KSP directory name here/GameData, then paste. youre done ANGERY Cool mission to a comet
  7. grnteed butt al tha Kerbal play chess bad badlying. i wish joke
  8. I am totally not smiling at this joke that only a select, but large group of people can understand brought to you by the Untrue Fact Telling Machine 2.5 aww
  9. @Moach ok “Mad” was closer to “ocd-inducing” without insulting people with ocd, and sounds better than “crazy” imo. It’s my thread lol. also, that curse word thing: totally agree. I have not sworn once in my life. Like seriously …
  10. pfff lmao. True. Also you could have posted it in the “forum memesmegsathreadl”
  11. did you not get the joke also. Page 20! yeah. The heat shields look great tho. Interior of the Mk1? Nice. hOI! and welcom to da tem shop! thanks much for purchas
  12. like three feet or something. luckily every one else is the same height. Easier to make rocket capsules

    1. Stamp20
    2. HansonKerman


      I see! I see…



      okay I’ll shut up 

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