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Everything posted by Astronomer

  1. If I only knew their KNA and had a spare speaker
  2. I think there should be more parts (docking >; career mode; and bugfixes
  3. It is one of the most efficient engines in the game, making it non-op due to it's low thrust... I LIKE IT
  4. Please help! I can't find the door on the Duna's face
  5. I though I was the only one who knew those secrets
  6. Guys! I've updated my video driver and it solved all the lag :3
  7. I can't say you are doing that right... try burning a lot further
  8. What's with so few Tutorials?
  9. "For each reaction there is an equal opposite reaction" JAJJAAJAJAJAAAJA xD
  10. This is about to turn into another "last to post" thread, so yeah
  11. Thank you very much, just what I wanted! Once I remember how to land on the mum again, I will leave it there to be...
  12. As far as I\'m concerned, there is already a mod including all stock parts with tweaked ratios.
  13. 'hesoyam' I spent 3 seconds typing that, now I deserve $250,000
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