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  1. Does anyone have any ideas about how to deal with this? I can uninstall a bunch of mods then make a save game then put the mods back in but I'd rather avoid that if possible. *Edit: I didn't have to remove as many mods as I thought so I did it that way a real fix would be cool though
  2. It works now thank you, again, also I'll try to remember to post there next time
  3. I'm sure there's a better place to report this but I'm not sure where that is I got the same error when installing with the GUI but CLI was easier to copy paste I'm installing for 1.3.1 the version CKAN is having issues installing is for 1.4.1 so i'm not sure thats right either
  4. Is this version backwards compatible with 1.3.1 CKAN has it marked that way but the version file says otherwise.
  5. this "ckan.exe install --allow-incompatible --no-recommends PlanetShine planetshine-config-default" worked Thanks
  6. Alright I promise I'm not dumb what do I press to install only the mod and its dependency
  7. This change kills compatibility with older versions of AJE also killing compatibility with versions of KSP that can't use the new version. You may want to make a note that it's only compatible with "AJE version whatever" and up
  8. Or if using a mod that extends the physics range
  9. While reading a thread about a mod I saw the acronym PAW and wondered what it meant. That lead me to the thread linked below. It looked like everyone had a quick bit of fun even after the question was answered (Part Actions Window in case you wondered). So I ask what does KSP mean to you? Feel free to get kerbally with your words. I'll start Kan't Stop Playing
  10. Does NIMBY work with RecoveryController and FMRS. I assume that it works fine with your StageRecovery but I suppose you could correct that assumption if necessary.
  11. Since it already keeps track of the mission time couldn't you just alter that bit so a mission has to last a certain amount of time before the R&R is needed
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