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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. But the side effects will endure past it. Once one install your Fix, every ModuleDockingNodes modules on the crafts being loaded on the editor, and also on the savagames being loading after, will be reset to the default values (TL;DR: The module ModuleDockingNodes is not found and it's removed from the part, and then the upgradepipeline - or something similar to it - installs a new, clean section using ModuleDockingNodesFix). Module tweaks, actions, axisgroups, perhaps even upgrades-applied (didn't tested this one) is all reset after installing your fix. And this cannot be undone. And not only this - once one remove the fix, everything happens again. Full report here. TL;DR : the code you wrote would work fine on an ideal World, but KSP is far from being ideal. And that's precisely the reason I rely on ugly hacks on KSP-Recall instead of fixing the problem where it is. But there's so much one can do with hacks without creating undesired collateral damages - being the reason I extensively test things before publishing them as a real fix (using an Alpha or Experimental release for public scrutiny to see what happens). However, looking objectively on the problem at hands, KSPCommunityFixes applies the best solution for the problem (other than having it properly fixed on a proper KSP release) : it effectively fixes the problem without any wide spreading collateral damage as your code does (again, not your code's fault, but things are how they are).
  2. Announce! TweakScale Companion for Visuals BETA is on the wild. Adds support for Waterfall and works with TweakScale 2.4.5.x series and newer. Short circuiting some Dependency Checks due a new misbehaviour introduced by KSP 1.12.2 Known Issues: The plume's scaling is reset to the original size when Reverting to Launch. And yeah, I didn't managed to have time to work of this issue yet. Spent the whole night chasing ghosts, as the problem was on KSP itself and not on something I did. Download here or in the OP.
  3. Me and my big mouth. Yep, I just detected that myself yesterday trying to do some fancy screenshots on my first pure leisure time on KSP 1.12.2 . I ended up reverting temporarily to SmokeScreen (did you knew Waterfall can reuse SmokeScreen's configs? Pretty handy!). https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_Visuals/issues/1 I will tell you the true, I should be working on the ScaleExponents right now - but I'm currently more on the mood for some coding, so I will give this a try tonight.
  4. You are talking about this? It will be tacked down on this issue, but frankly it appears to be a problem on B9PS, so I will probably handle it on a Companion.
  5. You should also force the Refunding to be disabled on KSP-Recall.cfg: @KSP-Recall:AFTER[999_KSP-Recall] { @INSTALLED { @Resourceful = false } } This will prevent the FlightHelper and EditorHelper from running, saving some CPU cycles as their GameEvent handlers will not be hooked.
  6. I got a Sand Castle on KSP 1.12.2 !!! #HURRAY!!!
  7. Let's Stay Together, by Tina Turner (The reason! )
  8. I think there's another option. Instead of changing an already deployed and in production code (the new DockingPort Module), I think a new (custom) module can fix the problem: Every time the craft goes on rails, the module would save the current attachment positions of its Part, and once the craft goes off rails, the module would restore these values. Additional benefit is you being able to patch this module on any needing part, and not only on Docking Ports - any similar glitch on any other part would be fixed with a new MM patch. I will give this a try this WeekEnd on KSP-Recall, let's see if I manage to pull this stunt.
  9. I can't help but to contemplate my own landings on KSP on watching this one: Pretty harsh landing, but everybody survived unscratched (including the craft). https://www.aviationnepal.com/worst-landing-by-boeing-737-300-pk-ygw-at-paro-airportvideo/
  10. News from the Front With the 1.12.2 release this week, I re-run my reports to see what exactly was new on this one so I could update the (Work In Progress) TS patches. The work is being done slightly slower than expected, but with a important milestone reached on Day Job, I hope time will be sensibly less scarce on the following days. Wish me luck! And, of course, I found a pretty stupid mistake on my report generator that ended up screwing up the reports I'm running for almost an year already… Oh, well… Better late than never. On the spoiler below (not mobile friendly, sorry. You will probably need to maximise the Window to properly read the contents) the updated reports for new parts and modules for every KSP Version I ever had put my dirty pawns on - hopefully correct this time. Cheers!
  11. So I found some time to play KSP a bit, and realised it's a lot of time since I played KAX by the last time. So,.. Inspired on a craft I posted on my "Real Life Kerbalisms" thread: (I initially tried to use Stock+TS KSP 1.12.2 to do it, but didn't found my way on the propeller engines yet)
  12. This is EXCELLENT news! Thanks a lot! I mean it!
  13. A plane with wings filled with water. David Rose's RP-4 Another source. — — POST EDIT - — Moar Pics! Source.
  14. TL;DR: I didn't tested and I don't want to answer questions about it, so I declare it a conflict so people do not install it. There's a difference between being incompatible and being unsupported. I don't mind people not wanting to support TweakScale, the whole TweakScale Companion Program aims to seamless support third-party add'ons without hassling TweakScale neither the third-party add'on. But declaring it a conflict shuts the door for any official support, as the end user will need to override CKAN - denying one of the core reasons to use CKAN at first place. That said, this is not a TweakScale problem (neither CKAN, by the way - no need to hassle CKAN guys on this neither) - TweakScale is compatible to KTT in the same way it's compatible to others Tech Tree around here, it is only not supported by it. Unfortunately, due the KTT maintainer's decision to declare TweakScale a hard conflict, there's no incentive for incepting a Companion for KTT where such support could be added. So I don't see a reason for further discussing the matter here. Sorry.
  15. Don't have a clue. All I can say is that someone declared TweakScale as a conflict on KiwiTechTree. This happened 9 months ago, by the way. You will need to reach CKAN guys and ask them about.
  16. thanks! Ouch. Sorry for that. These messages are a pain in the SAS , I know, but sometimes these situations can screw up something. Not always, granted, but since it's pretty unfeasible to try to detect when it's fatal and when it's not, I choose to err on the safe side. I really need the KSP.log and the ModuleManager Patch Log - without these files, I can only do blind guesses. Most of the time these problems happens when more than one add'on patch a part completely disregarding that maybe someone else had patched it first. So it's pretty possible that KRE will not trigger anything on my test bed because it is only half of the problem, and I need the KSP.log to see what's the other half. You can upload the files using Dropbox or GoogleDrive (remember to allow people to download it!). Or if you have a github account , you can leave a comment on this issue dragging and drop a zip file with the logs.
  17. Well, since we are talking about vehicles with weird wheels, how about Rolligon? — — — POST EDIT — — — And CHECK YO STAGING! https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/russias-nauka-space-module-experiences-problem-after-docking-with-iss-ria-2021-07-29/ ( Who never? )
  18. Because you regulate voters, not funders. And the new feudal lords are the Energy producers apparently.
  19. I agree. Please talk with the CKAN guys, I'm not responsible for this. I'm not aware of any problems on these add'ons, by the way - but there should be a reason for that - if you find it, report here and I will see what I can do. (Ping @DasSkelett )
  20. Makes me remember something I did some time ago!
  21. ANNOUNCE KSP Recall is on the Wild, featuring: ChillingOut is not working as expected. Deactivating it. Any problems will need to be tackled out punctually. This Release will be published using the following Schedule: GitHub, reaching manual installers and users of KSP-AVC first. Right now. CurseForge. Right now. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right now. Being a rollback release, all Distribution Channels were updated at once. Cheers!
  22. So it's ChillingOut without the slightest doubt. I'll rollback it and I'll post a new release ASAP.
  23. And I will not even talk about the push for Electric Cars - these things are not going to use the very same electricity?
  24. Yep. This is what I was aiming to fix with ChillingOut . Ideally, I should find a way to identify what parts need the fix instead of applying the fix on everything as I'm doing now. Any suggestions about how to do it will be hugely appreciated! Probably because I may be stomping KSPIE's toes with ChillingOut. The root problem is simple, something related to Heat is not being correctly initialised sometimes as it was being done until KSP 1.10.1 . If we manage to zero in the culprit, a better fix can be cooked and so we ChillingOut have a better chance of not screwing up something else by accident. — — POST EDIT — — Uh.. Wait….. @rawhide_k, you are telling me that by using the previous version of KSP-Recall, things were not exploding? So the new KSP-Recall version is the one causing the problem??? o.O
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