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Everything posted by HeleleMama

  1. It's already next week. Or the concept of 'within next week' is actually the last second of this week? Reminds me of me doing my paper.
  2. At least, #5 is a very successful one made of 1.3.2 parts. Forget about #1~4. They only exist in KSC's "computer simulation" LOL!
  3. Agree... Making those variations available for every parts(including old ones) is very appreciated. My point is, they should at least match with each other first before either cleaner or dirtier. Personally, I prefer the now existing MK3 style. It's not old, but more detailed and rich. If you take a closer look, you will find the new parts' texture is actually less detailed and even very rough at some point. For some parts, they don't even get the resolution right.
  4. That's what I'm doing exactly. The same. If that's video drivers related, that will be a lot more complicate. To be honest, I have experienced one "no problem" situation on my end (I can't reproduce the situation now. I'm sure it was without mods but was not a clean installation either). It returned to bouncing my craft after I done a total clean installation (remove all related files and re-install it). I believe, that good situation is some sort of fixture of old and new files. Anyway, I give up trying. I'm sure you have already noticed that a lot of people is talking about landing gear issues since 1.4 release. I have already file a bug to SQUAD's tracker, hope they can find out why. PS: The crafts I sent you @Anth12, are very well built SSOT. The "Jumper" was able to send 8ton payload to orbit with 450+ dv left and it is very easy to fly. And the "Traveller" can go most of the planet and return. Just take a look.
  5. Like I said, I have already tried removing all mods(even all my mods are "indicators" not game changers). However, after you say so, I removed all the installation, and re-install it from STEAM. Started with all default settings and pure vanilla game files. Started a completely new game and load my ship on the runway. Still the same, it was bouncing and the gear exploded. PS: I also tried x32, it's the same. I'm really wondering why it is fine in your game. It means a lot. Probably our differences are the root cause. My game is from STEAM. Windows 10, x64, ver: en-us + Making History DLC. All default settings.
  6. Sorry, mix up with another link...lol https://drive.google.com/file/d/1frgdLKkGbUgqMTHA9wmZZ0mcuG5HOfab/view?usp=drivesdk
  7. The funny part is....The best way to land something stable is to retract the landing gears. Since some parts have more than 80m/s impact tolerance, Landing gears is not necessary for most of the cases. Maybe, by just spawning the craft slightly above the terrain's surface plus already existed "Easy the gravity", this can be fixed.
  8. @Anth12 Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1frgdLKkGbUgqMTHA9wmZZ0mcuG5HOfab/view?usp=drivesdk
  9. After posting it, I done a little dig into the game settings. In the Settings>General>System, there is one called "Ease in Gravity". This one makes the gravity gradually build-up(from 0% to 100%) when the accurate physics kick in. So, apparently, it is not because the landing gear is rest, it's because the landing gear's spring is retaining its original strength when the gravity is suddenly become very low and thus kick the craft high into the sky. This feature is meant to keep very large ship from breaking apart when physics suddenly kick in. But it's doing just the opposite for things that have a spring(like landing gears). However, this only solve part of the problem. For some small craft, it's much better with this option off. For some large ones, landing gear still get clipped into the ground and completely blow away after time-warp.
  10. Yes, but in your last one, you can see the leg is clipped into the ground and get pushed out. My craft is not shaking but the clipping and bouncing effect is the same. I thought they share the same root cause.
  11. That's weird. I firstly noticed this issue in 1.3.1 x64. 1.3.0 x64 is fine. Both 1.4.1 x64 and 1.4.2 x64 got this same issue, only be more severe. My game is installed from the STEAM, I use very few assistant mods. I have the issue with or without them. The plane won't bounce when you launch it. It only bounce when you stop a time warping or load the save. The work around is to retract the landing gear every time after you landing. Since this issue may even flip your craft in low gravity environment. I believe it has something to do with the default status of the landing gear. We all know this game has two sets of physics system, the one takes effect in time warp 5X only does very rough calculation and it only keeps tracking very basic craft status(like position and orbital speed). Other status, like the spinning, part's bending etc.. is reset. When a craft is landing, it compress the landing gear's spring at some degree. Which makes the craft's position lower and the gear shorter. During time warp, however, the landing gear's status is lost and got rest to its original length. Since the craft's position is lower, there is no enough room for a fully stretched(reset) landing gear. The gear is clipped into the ground and then be squished out violently by the ground when you stop warping and the accurate physics system takes effect.
  12. Thanks, I'm new to this forum, I don't know there is a bug tracker yet. Thanks for telling me this.
  13. You can use stock plane "Stearwing A300" to reproduce this. Please inform me about your result.
  14. Landing gears like LY-35 and LY-60 is kicked into the air by the ground after time-warp. It's 1.4.2, no serious mods added. You can also use the stock plane "Stearwing A300" to reproduce this issue.
  15. This can also be seen on planes with landing gear LY-35 and LY-60. In low gravity environment, your craft will be pushed high into the sky. Actually you don't need to load the game. Time acceleration and stop will do the same.
  16. Surely you can, but we are here proposing some suggestions to the vanilla game, right?
  17. Confirmed, "Wheels on wings" is the cause of my veering problem. Thanks..
  18. The AE-FF5 fairing is still wrong here....
  19. T-12 ~ T-50 Structural Tube is a perfect light weight solution for constructing space station's frame. However, they are not allowed to be radius mounted as fuel tanks do. They can only be mounted at their top and bottom nodes. I can't figure out why, since they are intended to be structural and the mounting restriction strongly limited their function. There is a work around though. You can firstly make Structural Tube as a root and let the other part radius mount to it and then re-root to that part. But this solution is far from ideal and makes symmetrical mounting extremely complicate. I believe this is a bug, so please fix it~~
  20. Damn, you shouldn't told me the black is not right too. Now I'm even more uncomfortable. Help me! Is there a texture mod??
  21. Making History DLC brings us the new S4 tanks which is cool, only if they made its white matches the old grayish white. https://photos.app.goo.gl/oisxcTuCMiGQptTh1
  22. I'm testing this solution( disable auto-strut before docking) just now. Here are some results. 1) The root change is not completely random. It has something to do with the craft type and how many auto-strut parts each craft has. It seems the "Plane" type has higher root priority over the "Ship" type and the "Ship" is higher than the "Probe". If two craft share the same type, the game will compare which craft holds more auto-strut parts and shift the other ship's root to it. It's quite reasonable, considering this approach can minimize the "changing impact". 2) Base on above fact, there are no need to disable all auto-struts on both crafts before docking. Instead, you need to change the craft type by re-name it and disable all auto-struts on the ship which is not going to be your new root. This gives your more control of the root changing. 3) Un-dock will restore each crafts' original roots. 5) Combining use of different types of auto-strut can be a disaster due to the re-calculating. Using auto-strut to root only. I think we can end this discussion here. Thanks for all your help.
  23. That sounds very bad. The root change can be quite random and result in struct unstable... Which makes assembling large space ship by docking multiple sub-parts almost impossible. Do you know any possible solutions in vanilla game?
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