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X-982P Kerman

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  1. I’ve got this problem myself. In my case the workaround doesn’t works. Since I already always turn Tidy up debris around KSC off. It didn’t help. I’m not sure if this is a relevant information but in my case it happened after few flight. Not on the start.
  2. So I started playing KSP since 1.3 and it’s one of the best game I’ve ever played. Of course I started way too late for any KerbalKon. Still, since 1.12 is going to be the last major update for KSP1 and also its 10th anniversary. I am thinking about having one last Kerbalkon as and remembrance ceremony to the game we all love. So the first question is what do you guys think. Then the second question is can anyone host it.
  3. I mean.... Cloud Assembly Building (C.A.B). There’s nothing more Kerbal than that.
  4. The news might seem a little disappointing but in my mind. A delayed game is always better than an unfinished game. A rush and hurry could create a bug that would plaque the game forever. Just like in the KSP1. And I believe that creating strong foundations would help further development to be quicker and more stable. So, take time. Make sure it’s finished. And once it is, we would owe you all.
  5. I wanted to position command pods all over the system in the way that Kerbal can refuel their EVA pack and travel to every planet. Not sure if it is possible though.
  6. Thank you for your reply I follow your instruction and it resolves the problem very well. Steam verification said I miss 3 files ( don't know how though? ). But after Steam auto-download the files, autosave work agian.
  7. I have been playing KSP for quite a while but recently there is a problem. Every time I start my KSP save, it would revert in progress many days ago. At first I addressed the problem as KSP autosave stop functioning, but in Backup folder there is the updated autosave file. I am able to recover my progress but the fact that the main "persistent.sfs" not updating automatically really irritate me. Are there similar issues in others KSP? More importantly, Are there any fix?
  8. Hi, I am trying to login to the Kerbal Space Program Wiki. Except there is a problem. I’ve lost my password and unable to recover it. I’ve tried resetting password through wiki page but I didn’t get password reset email (I believe I lost a connection to KSP wiki server). But when I tried again. This appeared. So, in the next day. I tried again. But no email ever reach my inbox, not in junk, or any even in any other folder. I’ve checked all email in this week and a week before. Sadly, there is no mail from KSPwiki at all. Are there any other way round or nothing can be done?
  9. After postponing this project for months ( maybe years!), I decided to started this project seriously. And I need your help. Brief Plot In 60’s-ish Kerbin. The first mission to Jool was launching. KSC decided to use larger single rocket method. But that summon the Kraken. Destroyed the whole rocket and spaghettified all three kerbonauts. Traumatised by the event, Kerbals panicked and KSC started a secret agency. The only surviving Kerbal were Kirrim Kerman, in which KSC also stated dead. He is now considered off-grid and became secret agent. With understanding that “Kraken” was a crime syndicate. Kirrim tried to go after them, later to be known that Kraken was “just merely zero and one”. At the end of the film, he transcended into becoming god-like super being and fix all “Kraken” in the game code. He sent all bug report and amazed Squad. Sparked KSP2 development. Project Announcement Trailer
  10. Amazing! I never thought I would found stock hinges after DLC came out. Absolutely fantastic fine piece of work. Now my Mun save file will be overpopulated with Lunokhod!
  11. Thanks! @zer0Kerbal. Your kind suggestion is very useful. But I also need to sorry for the late reply. I didn’t expected to be this busy.
  12. I'm quite new to this forum even I join for quite a long time so I'm not sure is this the right place to ask. Anyways, I trying to create a KSP animation but I stuck at one problem. I couldn't find any Kerbal model that I can use which look like in game one. Nor I could make one that look appealing enough. And I wonder is there a way to get Kerbal model from the game/game's folder itself. Though this model would still be courtesy of Squad ,I'll use it only for the animation and I'll credit them as well. Can anyone help?
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