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Everything posted by Embries

  1. Is there a manual or tutorial for this mod? Preferably not a Youtube video. I get the intent, But I am struggling to find a step by step what to do.
  2. Realizing this is the sunset, but I was able to recreate the missing ore error: https://imgur.com/TAqQH9B
  3. Is there any recent youtube/reddit/etc. that show some of the mechanics of this and Pathfinder? Most everything I have found is several years old and parts don't match.
  4. I am not seeing This in CKAN. Am I missing something?
  5. Is there a Mod that allows you to target a particular part instead of just a docking port /control hub? If not, what would be the barriers to such and would anyone else be interested in this?
  6. I figured it out. AGExt folder needed to be inside Diazo folder. For anyone else..
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