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The Minmus Derp

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  • About me
    Minmus, with a few cities
  • Location
    In a very high orbit around kerbin
  • Interests
    Being in my quiet orbit around kerbin, drawing, reading, plernerts, having phun, etc.

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  1. Recently an issue was found in Minor Planets Expansion – remove the parallax folder until Exo fixes it. Thanks so much! Unfortunately that's pretty far outside the scope of this mod. However there are a couple asteroids nearby provided by InnerWorlds, so there's that?
  2. Apologies for my absence, I was drowning in work and had a family vacation over winter break, hopefully we can get some stuff done this time around
  3. To @Iapetus7342 and @theogameren – While the forums were down, I released an IW update that completely cut the Kortens parallax configs. I hope that works. We've also been working on some new updates in the interim, including some StockRevamp content as well as more UrlumPlus stuff.
  4. No As Jonny said, its an issue with the Kortens parallax configs. Remove them for now, we'll push a hotfix soon. The nullref reads like its something going on with scatterer, and the big error talks about Kerbin's PQS, which all happens before OPX. I'm not sure what's going on here. Maybe a simple reinstall may be in order.
  5. On my end of the dev team, I've been working somewhat on IPX-StockRevamp, with the beginnings of a Minmus and Ike remaster, as well as having Concepts Of A Plan for the next SmallWorlds object for the next release of that. KerbalHub is doing something else, but said he was partway through the set of Neidon pseudobodies before he went on hiatus.
  6. No it didn't. I have never packaged any form of scatterer compatibility with SarnusPlus. Janet literally just released the hotfix. Go and try it if you're that impatient.
  7. OPX doesn't even come with scatterer yet, why are you complaining that it doesn't have scatterer when it's not supposed to
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