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Everything posted by Atlessa

  1. So I have a Falcon-style booster, with enough hardware and fuel to softly land it on water, I have FMRS, and I have an OCISLY-styled ship in the general vicinity of where my booster usually splashes down. Big question is: How do I stick the landing? Manually, I feel, is virtually impossible, but even Mechjeb's "Landing guidance" feature seems to consider my target marker as a mere suggestion and doesn't mind coming down several Km off of that, and I don't have the know-how to effectively use KOS. Any ideas?
  2. Yeah, that doesn't work either. My HECS went from 8MB to 8MB capacity after buying one of those drive size upgrades.
  3. Just tried that (fairing, as I don't have cargo bays in my career yet), antennas don't transmit that way. And even then, all the HG antennas I tested (up to the HG-20 which I think is added by Restock+?) don't really have the transfer rate for the WING experiment either. I really fell like things aren't right here, unless it's REALLY intended that a 10 minute atmospheric experiment should take OVER TWO HOURS to transmit? (and fill almost 10 probe core hard drives in the process?)
  4. (Disclaimer: This happened with 3.5, so IF there was a bug involved that was fixed in 3.6, feel free to just disregard. However given the nature of my issue, I think the more likely case is that I'm missing something?) So I just ran into an issue of sorts when trying to do the WING experiments on Kerbin. As it stands, the data accumulation rate of WING is way too high than the ONLY antenna that I can use in flight (since deployable antennas will break from aero forces) and will also fill up my HD capacity (3 x 4MB currently) within a few minutes. As such, while stated to need about 10 minutes to complete per biome, it actually takes almost an hour of flying loops, all manually since it's in-atmosphere, for what ends up to maybe 10 points of science. Overall, I feel like I'm missing something? As if I should be able to achieve MUCH higher transfer rates, at least while still so close to the KSC. If this is working as intended, then I guess I will just not do the WING experiments, as they're really, REALLY not worth that amount of hands-on playtime for the amount of science they give. Edit: The Antenna I'm talking about is the Communotron 16-S. ALL other antennas are either deployed (and as such will break during flight) or just don't look like they would belong on an airplane because, well, drag is a thing, right?
  5. I did a complete fresh install of KSP and CKAN no two weeks ago. I sort of doubt that Sir Mortimer pushes some 20 releases in that short time? Nevertheless... forcing CKAN to refresh the modlist caused all those juice new releases to show up. ... I still think that's funny.
  6. I've stumbled across another bug: The HDD Capacity Upgrade doesn't increase file capacity, but sample capacity. I assume it's a copypaste error, as that is a duplicate of an upgrade from another node. ... and I could REALLY use a capacity upgrade. =D Tried that, didn't work. CKAN still tells me 1.1 is the latest version, just like in the screenshot I posted before.
  7. I don't think that's it. This was taken from a fresh KSP install: Seems to me that CKAN doesn't know anything newer than 1.1 exists for this config. Should I report this to the CKAN crew or is this the right place to get it looked at? Edit: forgot to mention, manually downloading and inserting the newest version from github fixed my initial issue. I would still like to see CKAN's index fixed though.
  8. HOT DAMN that's interesting. Apparently the latest version is 3.3... CKAN (which I use primarily to manage my mods) has 1.1 as the latest for the science-only configs (and 3.2 for the 'main package').
  9. I've run into an issue that may or may not be a bug or be related due to some interaction with another (incompatible?) mod: When trying to collect surface samples or EVA reports, it tells me 'not enough EC' and doesn't proceed. But last I checked, EVA suits had no EC anyway. Should probably note that I'm using the science-only config. I use Engine Ignitor, Snacks and Dang it! for those aspects of realism. Any help would be appreciated, as this is a really decent chunk of science I'm missing out on...
  10. That's already on my list for the limited ignition count, so that should work nicely. Haven't tested it yet so didn't know it also made Ullage necessary. Thanks.
  11. I had a slightly different feature request also because of behavior I observed with Kerbalism, that might as a side effect also circumvent the engine relighting while still being of use for otherwise un-modded installs: Can we have an option to limit how deep TCA throttles an engine? Current behavior: Steering to the right will have TCA cut ALL throttle on the right side engines. Desired behavior: Steering to the right, TCA will reduce throttle on rightmost engines to 50% I had several cases, even before Kerbalism, where my VTOLs or 'Falcon' style boosters would crash on landing attempts because control inputs ended up reducing total TWR way under 1.0, I feel those could be prevented with such a setting while also keeping engine relight counts to a minimum as a side effect.
  12. Is there a mod that makes Ullage motors necessary before igniting engines BESIDES the whole RO/RP-1 package? Background: I have a friend who just got into KSP, and I want to gradually increase the realism factor while teaching him one thing at a time, but upscaling the system seems like one of the last things I would wanna do a) since it doesn't really add all that much and b) because his machine is from the last decade and is already struggling to simulate Kerbol at stock scale... I did find mods that removes deep throttling, limit engine ignitions, greatly reduce reaction wheel torque, all sorts of nice things, but this one I can't find a standalone mod for. I assume one exists? Please tell me if you know.
  13. Something just occured to me building a new reusable booster: Is there a specific reason the COLD gas thrusters use LF+Ox? Could we maybe get a variant or patch to have them run on stock monoprop or Nitrogen for those who have that in their install?
  14. Could you make a Mk2 shaped one that I can place in the middle of a stack? Maybe give it a name that's a reference to Mass Effect... at least that's how I would use it. E3-z0 (pronounced eezo) would be my first idea for a name
  15. [censored] [expletive] I'm so [censored] <.<
  16. I'm guessing GPP? Damn I love that one. Can't wait for Kopernicus to update so I can use it in 1.8.1 I believe this accretion Disk should look familiar to you?
  17. Yep, that looks like the textures I was wanting. If they come with EVE than something is wrong with my install... Gonna take a close look at that later tonight. Edit: Ok, so after a clean reinstall of EVE I know have the textures back that I was lookin for. However... they don't look anywhere NEAR as sharp as the ones in your screenshot, @Galileo Is there maybe some additional texture pack you have installed for those?
  18. But... EVE does NOT add city textures to the ground. I have it installed and the grass texture is just plain old grass texture. Edit: imgur.com/a/ThxFdac With the mod I'm looking for, this entire area should look like one big city. If EVE should do that then I guess my installation is bugged and I should figure out why...
  19. Thank you all for trying to help (really. thanks. I mean it. no sarcasm <.<), but none of the mods mentioned so far come with the textures I'm looking for. Let me rephrase, maybe? The pack I had replaces all textures (!) on Kerbin so that instead of barren grasslands, it looks like there's sprawling cities ALMOST everywhere, most notably in the relatively empty area between the KSC and the mountain range to the west of it. And these are visible during the day (!) as well as the night. It is very possible that it requires EVE for the latter effect, and places the cities in the same locations as the EVE city lights, for consistency. But that's not even really what I am looking for, I'm looking for SOMETHING to look at when flying my planes around Kerbin, which I usually do during daytime. Also to reiterate, the textures are still very much visible when landed or in a rover, but it's very clear they were meant to be viewed from a certain height as they're quite washed out and low detail from this view. Side note: I did install Kerbin Cities upon which I stumbled in my search for this mod, and while those highrises look neat, they don't cover a fraction of the area that this mod did.
  20. I have SVE installed, and it's working, but it's not the textures that I'm looking for in this case. Again, the pack I am looking for had textures that made it look as if there were cities all over Kerbin. Day and Night.
  21. Thanks, but that's not it. I have SVE installed and don't have the textures I'm looking for. For emphasis: The textures ARE visible when driving a rover on the ground, just in VERY low detail, and with zero polycount (so no actual buildings like for example KerbinSide)
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