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Everything posted by Exposure

  1. Ah. In that case I actually agree with you on this.
  2. For those of us who don't play a niche game, can you explain this?
  3. Honestly a proper tutorial would do far more than just changing the descriptions IMO, since with a tutorial one could actually demonstrate some things important to know in the game than just saying them. (Though even with that, some description changes to explain a bit as to the purpose of one engine over another or why this part may be useful would be appreciated) It's why I like MechJeb, it helped me grasped the concept of stuff like Hohman Transfers and how docking translations worked by essentially demonstrating them for me. Then I could fully understand and get peeved at how inefficient MechJeb is doing it and be better able to learn how to do it by myself since I now had a good mental image of how it should look.
  4. If that's what you think whoever's been telling you about SC never actually got very far in playing the game. The 2kmx2km limit is honestly far more punishing than it is "helpful".
  5. Having actually played SimCity 2013, its major issue was not from the fact it tried to cater casuals. (And even then I'm doubting that since cities can get pretty complicated as you grow and start relying on other cities to the point disaster dominoes can ensue very easily if you don't bother planning things out.) While the other things are much more debatable, IMO this is not what is happening to KSP, and honestly unless we go weeks without Squad making any sort of announcement or posting what they're going to do with career mode I think it's a bit early to start calling doom with the initial version of career mode we got. I mean, I don't think they're going to miss the constant refrain of posts I've noticed that tends to be on the lines of "The tech tree doesn't really cater to veterans as stated" and/or "career mode in general doesn't really cater to newbies as stated"
  6. I'm torn between the idea that someone managed to take look at pre-0.22 KSP and went "oh, yeah, this game's going try to be somewhat serious" with the little green men and the undersized solar system and the rocket parts found lying by the side of the road (yes, the physics are semi-realistic, but the tone is clearly not) and the fact that I'm pretty sure that I would count as one of those casuals (or, at the least, started out as one of those damn casuals who just refused to learn how to play the game!) you're being incredibly condescending about.
  7. ...just download one of the modded career trees? I mean, the hardcore types have to be using mods anyway, so I don't think the act of having to use trees more geared for us is going be much of a problem.
  8. Man I wished 0.21 SAS worked like 0.22 SAS. At least 0.22 can actually hold a heading, 0.21 would just keep being indecisive over whether it actually wanted to hold a heading or not right up to the point spontaneous disassembly caused by its waffling occured. :/ This seems like an issue that might be best solved by just letting people customize the SAS since it seems what is a update that breaks things for one person results in SAS working again for a different person.
  9. Not too bothered over the stock science system compared to Interstellar if only because stock is currently very incomplete and trying to be balanced for people new towards the game (though a difficulty level feature for those more experienced with the game wouldn't be unappreciated), and KSP Interstellar's science system is more focused on giving players who've been playing the game for a while access to parts that can do...well, look at the name.* Even if it's technically impossible to actually go interstellar right now. :V
  10. Yeah this is my biggest issue with career mode so far. Honestly if I was told this was what I was supposed to play in order to get an easier grip on how to play KSP back when I was still trying to figure out what to do...I probably would have mentally filed it under "about as fun as Orbiter" and never touched it again. :/
  11. While you seem to be considering requests, is there any chance we can get some kind of super mini radiator like say, the static solar panels? As is I feel a bit silly putting radiators meant to deal with megawatts of energy when at best, it's going be dealing with around 4 kilowatts of energy. Maaaybe more if I end up changing the current solar panels on my service module to one of the ones included in the Near Future Propulsion pack.
  12. I believe it has to do with the fact that the stock atmospheres are more like soupospheres. If you want more realistic gravity turns you can try a mod like FAR, which implements more realistic aerodynamics.
  13. Not even then! Clearance is for Kerbals who aren't in the Jeb Zone. ...and now I'm sad because I had to deorbit that ISS pseudo-lookalike after running into memory usage issues halfway towards completion. At least I have Tiangong-3 and OPSEK I can build. And maybe some of the memory optimization in 0.22 will let me revisit the idea again...
  14. Barring you drastically changing the heat shield .cfg between the nearly done version I currently have (I believe the only part missing on my computer is the IACBM variant of the parachute + port) and this one, I can attest that the heat shield does work with Deadly Reentry (and with FAR on top of that. Even managed direct returns from the Mun successfully with it.)
  15. I think he wants a dish that can do something like this: The playtest version of Remotetech 2 features dishes that work like that if you (or maybe Fractal? Not sure how the RT guys got the dishes to track their targets visually) need something for reference.
  16. Alt + right click if you're wondering exactly how to transfer fuels after connecting them with KAS. Otherwise what the guy above me said.
  17. It amazes me how bothered some people can get over some other people playing a single player currently sandbox only game differently from them. And since others are talking about it, I mainly use mechjeb for delta-v/TWR calculations and for doing some of the more tedious parts of launches. Launching your first relay satellite by hand is fun, but by the time one reaches launch #30 it starts getting a bit boring.
  18. I managed to place an engine upside down. This resulted in problems since I was using Deadly Reentry when I made that mistake.
  19. Are we seriously still having this argument?
  20. Basically you move really, really, really fast. As in "you're travelling at a significant proportion of the speed of light" fast. IE a trip to Duna would take a few minutes rather than the months it usually takes with regular propulsion. EDIT: Though with the way warp drive works, you still need to focus on travelling at proper launch windows and such lest you find yourself with a required 10000 m/s braking burn in order to put yourself in Duna orbit.
  21. Will the heat management update be something that I would need to be concerned about with all of my crafts once installed or is it something that is currently planned to only appear when you start using the parts that come with Interstellar? I mean the idea of having to deal with heat management in general is something I wouldn't mind much (Already got TAC Life Support, Deadly Reentry, FAR, RemoteTech installed, one more realism mod wouldn't hurt), but I would like to know in case I need to start saving my kerbals working on ill-equipped space stations in addition to planning replacements for the burning Low Kerbol Orbit power stations...
  22. Ah yes, Mars One, the idea that one could successfully fund a one-way mars colony for a long time (unless there's a phase I'm unaware of that consists of: "Build a craft to bring them back because the funding's starting to dry out because as it turns out, the sort of people who can handle astronaut tasks well don't tend to be that entertaining to the general public") by making the entire thing a reality show. We have dismissed that claim.
  23. I think the behaviour of when micro meteorite impacts can be done needs to be tweaked just a tad:
  24. From what I understand, basically one docking port understands that it's docked, but the other one doesn't realize it's docked, so clicking on "undock" on the bugged port doesn't do anything since it doesn't think there's anything to undock from, and the other docking port doesn't give me the option to undock. This resulted in...problems since I was using TAC Life Support and the station only had 60 days of life support, and thus "Just leave them up there" wasn't really an option, so I tried seeing whether the parachute deployment near the end of reentry would detach the capsule from the station. It certainly did. Along with the parachutes ripping themselves off the capsule.
  25. After losing three kerbalnauts and my Skylab analogue thanks to it, I hope 0.22 fixes the undocking bug.
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