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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. The Munar north pole is a pain in the ass to land on. All those mountains make a landing really hard, coupled with the weird turning effect and the low lighting level, it's near impossible to find a flat area to set your lander down, and if you do find one, it's near impossible to actually land there. Also beware of optical illusions: Sometimes the ground seems flat enough to land on, but in reality once you land there you will slide down the slope, preventing a quicksave. Which means if anything bad happens, even if you've already landed on it, planted your flag and ready to go home from this godforsaken place, you're gonna have to start again from your last save. But I did manage to land, albeit destroying two landing legs and a small part of the lander, and I found out that there is a chasm in the North Pole, where there is no ground. I haven't tested if the collision box is there. And NO I'M NOT GOING BACK. You go. Ok yeah look remind me how I land in this sort of terrain again? The North Pole, with the flag dimly illuminated. You can see the large chasm behind.
  2. 58 (+) We need to call in the Triarii again. @FahmiRBLXian @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) @Lokachop @lapis @The_Cat_In_Space @JPGSP @GRS @Yeet_TheDinosaur @The_Arcitect
  3. 59 (+) We're getting heavy resistance sarge! Much higher than we're used to, but we're probably going to be okay!
  4. No no no @KerbolExplorer the current number is 56 he messed up
  5. 56 (+) @FahmiRBLXian @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) @Lokachop @lapis @The_Cat_In_Space @KerbolExplorer @JPGSP @GRS @Yeet_TheDinosaur Pls halp
  6. 56 (+) How is this possible‽‽ Call on the triarii! @FahmiRBLXian @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) @Lokachop @lapis @The_Cat_In_Space @KerbolExplorer @JPGSP @GRS @Yeet_TheDinosaur Ps. follow the post so you can get an email notif once someone posts.
  7. 58 (+) Whispers to @Kerballing (Got Dunked On): Remember the [rumble] and [reentry noises] I had a few numbers back? That was a test of the bomber. Right in plain sight. Surprised nobody guessed it.
  8. I'm currently flying the craft on 1. An encounter with the Mun 2. An encounter with Minmus 3. An encounter with the Mun again on my way back And my conic patches fail me here. I'll need to make a correction burn later that will send me back to Kerbin. And to think that before I knew how to get to orbit, this thing wouldn't get me past 50km! Edit: Yeah, I've got enough conic patches at this point to know where I'm going. An escape trajectory. Luckily the correction burn will only cost me 178 ms-1 out of the 916 ms-1 I have. I could probably orbit the sun once and get back to Kerbin for the ultimate foolhardiness, but... no. Jeb's only packed enough snacks for a 25 day journey anyways. Edit 2: Ok I get why they say people who go past Minmus are foolhardy because CRAP THE CAPSULE EXPLODED ON REENTRY Why don't they put heat shields on stock craft again?! Edit 3: Sigh... tomorrow, I'm going to the North Pole of the Mun. And maybe deliver some mobile landing craft to my Mun orbital station, which I haven't done anything with for years.
  9. 57 (+) Hello comrade @Yeet_TheDinosaur! It is great to see you serving with us! Come to the aerospace division! In other news, we have a functioning orbital bomber space plane system!
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