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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. 1234/2345 Is that some sort of reference to something? Because I don't usually get references.
  2. 64 (+) This was for my last mission to Duna. My first mission there was basically this, but with another SRB on the side of each of the 6 liquid boosters. This thing should be good for Ike. I think.
  3. 60 (+) Cool. I was thinking of doing a Ike. In kerbed landing missions I usually do an Apollo-style thing. And I always MASSIVELY overengineer my rockets. Every. Single. Time.
  4. Duna and Gilly. Kerbed. For non-kerbed missions, basically the entirety of the inner solar system. Edit: Right forgot the move 58 (+)
  5. 56 (+) I've had a look through it. Interesting concept but it's waaaay over my level. Consider for a moment that I haven't gotten a kerb to Jool.
  6. You kept on making the same move over and over again.
  7. Having found a gap in the Negative lines, the Positive move in. Negative can retreat, or they face being surrounded in enemy territory. The Negative decide to dig a trench, a defensive position. The Positive follow suit. The statistics are on the Positive side. Once the troops @FahmiRBLXian @JPGSP @GRS march in, the Negative are doomed.
  8. You've all visited the Island Airfield, and you might've explored the island too. But have you landed on the other islands in the 4- island archipelago? Today I did. In a small, ISRU-equipped boat, I took Jeb and Kirrim out to the islands on an island hopping trip. I also decided on names for them today. Starting out from the Island Airfield and continuing along the chain- 1. Hawaii 2. Maui 3. Molokai 4. Oahu Named after islands in the Hawaiian Island chain. And now I claim this land for the Kerbal Empire. [plants a flag]
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