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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. When you finish your science test early, and draw the entire periodic table on the back for fun while you wait.
  2. 5176: You stop to catch your breath and contemplate the engineering feat that is a building with 5176+ floors.
  3. I would love to try this, but I find it much more complex. Nevertheless, whole books were written without the letter "e", so I revere Ernest Vincent Wright, who pulled off such stunts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsby_(novel)
  4. I would be inclined to think this is impossibly, ridiculously difficult, but seeing you guys spelling out such simple sentences without the first letter of our lexicon I will now show you people how it's done. To be honest, it's pretty simple.
  5. 7/10 Tokyo? I'm not a weeb. I see that nobody here except me and @Fraston has read Dr Seuss as a child.
  6. We have completed the elcano! That was a long ride, 36 days 2 hours and 40 minutes! We have landed! Let's get out there! Start of elcano! We're off! "I am worth your salt!" Woah, easy there. ^^ Warning! Images of easter eggs present! We visit the first kerbal-made object to touch the surface of Duna. We then visit the place where kerbals first walked on Duna. To be honest, I was in awe when I first saw the poles of Duna after cresting that ridge. Valentina is loving this pink wonderland. ^^ More easter eggs. "Time to leave, Valentina." "Noooo..." ^^ Yet more easter eggs. You've seen this. Driving at night. Ike eclipse. And we're back. After 36 1/3 days. My route around the planet. I visited every single anomaly and biome. I also now have surface samples from every single biome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: 190 saves 1 flip (yes I flipped the rover, unharmed) 4 anomalies 2 historic sites 14 biomes 2 kerbals 1 full circumnavigation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll go collect my badge.
  7. My internet was quite slow so I had to time my replies to ensure they go before yours... Anyways, @Aperture Science, time to edit the OP.
  8. 98 (+) I see that we're doing another round of WWI trench warfare?
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