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Everything posted by Fraston

  1. I do believe it to be Christmas time, my gamers.

    Also, I just so happen to say this on the shortest day of the year, where it’s under 2 hours until sunset here in Texas.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Souptime


      my PFP update is going to be HUGE! so stay tuned

    3. Souptime


      got lazy and didnt do anything i guess the leaf on me is mistletoe or somethin

    4. Fraston


      Of course, of course

  2. “Orteil.dashnet.org” Schist. I mean, crushing the zombies under a mountain of cookies would work, but otherwise I’m screwed.
  3. Banned because I think this green forum is a conspiracy.
  4. Sticks. It’s a sticky situation. Sticky/Post-It notes are probably a favorite note taking method of those who frequent this thread.
  5. A grey box, Latin(?) and all the vowels. 6/7.
  6. “I SAW GREEN VENT I SAW GREEN VENT I SAW-“ - @Fraston, having never played Among Us a minute of his life and just parodying the memes circulating around it
  7. No, I’m just saying what I think the kerbal in the pic is saying. I actually really like it.
  8. Uh, I mean any landing you can walk away from... 9/10
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