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Everything posted by Fraston

  1. Not being able to upload images to Imgur on my phone sucks keister. Like, screw you! No one freaking cares that you don’t have enough internet traffic on your mobile site, in fact your traffic would be substantially increased BY RE-ENABLING THE THING YOU DISABLED IN RESIGNATION OF LOW TRAFFIC! It’s a good thing I haven’t missed out on much image posting.
  2. One of my IRL friends has that game. 8/10 For nostalgia. Yes, I did post the image that my profile banner is now to Hanson’s discord server. I regret nothing.
  3. I can’t see half of it. then again that goes for most signatures because my choice of technology. 6/10
  4. I have apparently posted on the forum 2144 times.

  5. I don’t like the new forum format.


    And how did 4 people just die?

    1. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      It's pretty ugly. I really preferred the old theme with darker colors. It's literally the exact same but with a different blue and somehow it's thrown the entire site off for me.

    2. Dman979


      The new theme is a default from Invision, who make the bones for the forum. The IT guy is updating the forum to make it look prettier, like it used to. If you have specific ideas about what could be changed, please post in the Kerbal Network UI thread. :)

  6. I have nothing to talk about, but this message is contradictory because I am talking about the fact I have nothing to talk about. “@Fraston has time for this” *ding* *counter in the top right of my field of view ticks up by one*
  7. “Why should the thread be locked?”/ 10
  8. Just grab the list of users when needed. (I’m sure there is a list somewhere, and if not, check the profiles of people online for link to other account pages, then run it again and again until no new ones are found, since everything is pretty connected)
  9. Imagine if the person with the @Everybody account had a script so that every time they get a notification they would literally @ every single forum user in a post with a link at the top to the post where they (@Everybody) were @‘ed.
  10. MacBook Air, 8 inch, 3 hour battery life, 2 gig RAM, 32 gig storage, 128 meg VRAM, no safe method of disassembly Wait, I’m just caricaturizing my old Mac!
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