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Everything posted by Fraston

  1. I mean Shake Spear preserves the sound of the vowels, while Shakes Pear preserves the sound of the consonants conjoining the two words. By the way, I just ordered a new laptop today. It has either double or possibly decuple (if the site really means that it has 256 Gigs Solid State Drive plus two NVME’s) the storage of my old Mac, with twice the RAM and a three generations higher Intel graphics card. It’s also a little larger. Fun!
  2. *anything gets clouds, period Seems like a KSP2 feature to me since my expectations for 1.10 are limited to finishing up the ultra high-definition terrain shader, which I don’t care about at all due to my current laptop and the laptop I’m putting in the order for today will be entirely unable to get something better than double digits in frames running it. Not frames a second, but seconds a frame.
  3. Texas. Just Texas. I know, it’s about as descriptive as waving your index finger around on a map and saying “here”, but it’s Texas.
  4. Have you tried docking mode with regular RCS? It works like a charm, since you aren’t doing much orienting, just moving on a 3D plane.
  5. I see you a lot sometimes, but those times are few and far between. 4.5/10
  6. I know old reply, but That’s literally just the Vernier.
  7. Gilly, the place where bleeding off fuel with a vent will send you into a suborbital trajectory bringing you halfway across the little body. Gilly, the place where you can preform a suicide burn with a single Spark engine. Gilly, the place where TWR can only be represented with scientific notation. Gilly, the place that can be accidentally knocked out of orbit by a Kerbal landing at sub-meter/second speeds. Gilly, the place where escape velocity is measured in “yoctametres per hour” Gilly, the place where if you refuel too much, it disappears.
  8. My father would like to curse down any who say that. I’m kinda impartial, so you’re lucky.
  9. Flinging the larger clumps from its rings would be a valid tactic. ——————— *Looks at PFP* It’s Sagume Kishin with fireworks in the background because I can’t be bothered to change it to something a little less Touhou right now. This can go a few ways. Sagume’s main method of attack in LoLK is throwing flying yin-yang enemies that shoot huge clumps of bullets. She seems to have a massive (if not entirely infinite) supply of them, just like every other Touhou character has a huge stock of bullets. Throughout her stage, these yin-yang enemies shoot copious amounts of lasers, arc from the top right trailing projectiles like comets, fire massive projectiles straight at you, so on so forth. Since being hit with danmaku creates physical bruises and lacerations, the zombies are in very hot water if she decides to throw spellcard rules out the window. Her other method of attack (only ever really seen in her final spell) is creating absolutely stupid amounts of lasers from simply flapping her single wing with force. Combined with the seeming innate Touhou character ability to fly without any effort, this would be a huge headache for zombies. Just imagine looking up to the sky and seeing a literal deluge of yellow beams arcing outward from some hidden point. It would be like Smash Ultimate’s World of Light 2, electric boogaloo. Sagume could simply utter a cleverly worded future-tense statement, possibly like “The zombie apocalypse will persist even the next 20 seconds” and some cosmic happening will alter fate to deny the existence of the zombies. Touhou characters are broken in these scenarios I tell you, I could name several that could just end the fiasco then and there.
  10. Receives Conch shell. reduces bezel.
  11. School. I’m so glad I’ve been off since Thursday of the week 2 weeks before Memorial Day.
  12. *calling NASA* “Sooo, I need to rent a space suit” “We don’t do that, you crazy person.” “No, you don’t see-I have a funky ability that warps me into a different time and after a while warps me back.” ”I’m calling shenanigans here” “No, just this morning I saw <very specific thing not known yet about an important historical event:>” “Wh-“
  13. 4/10 I don’t really see you in many places
  14. Receives what appears to be nothing. It must have sublimated the hydrogen. Inserts a sharp stick in the eye to be optimistic about.
  15. “No, this isn’t how you are supposed to play the game!” -Masahiro Sakurai It’s not the profile avatar, it’s not the location or rank, it’s the banner that appears on one’s user page. 7/8 Is that the Therizinosaurus?
  16. This really angers me. KSP was originally a passion project, and AAA madmen getting their unwashed-of-the-metal-smell-of-change corporate hands feels viscerally wrong. *grits teeth, shakes fist in the air and stifles an incredibly loud, profane rant that would scorch the very silica in the surrounding earth into glass* This community is a wonderful thing to be involved in, and I’ve known about this wonderful game for 3.5 years. My nostalgia of old SWDennis, Danny2462, Matt Lowne, Nexter’s Lab and Scott Manley YouTube uploads is nigh on par with my nostalgia of pre-1.4 Minecraft and old app games like Fruit Ninja and Candy Crush, despite those memories being almost twice as old. I will support this game whatever direction it goes so long as it preserves the original pillars and is recognizable to the 1.3x I spent the weeks after my birthday playing all those 2 and 3/4s years ago. I had strong hopes for KSP2 to be the splendid KSP sequel, to compound my love of this awesome game, to be the definitive game to complete my collection of “mind and eye candy, plus a full salad for the mind as well games” like Factorio, modded Minecraft and Besiege. But now my hopes are being held within a vise grip that threatens to shatter them by the threat of a corporate entity tainting this dream game. Take Two management, If you are reading this and haven’t got your precious corporate feelings hurt by the previous posts, I have one demand for you. One. That is to not screw this amazing game up. You will disappoint an enormous amount of people and this wonderful community will die an agonizing death. With trepidation and anxiety, @Fraston
  17. Hmmm...

    Who would have thought that Google Drive would have qualms with me for uploading a 16 minute-long video to it?

    Not me, that’s for sure!


    S a r c a s m .

    I t ‘ s  p a l p a b l e .


    1. Regor


      when uploading speed is 1 byte/s

    2. HansonKerman


      I know sarcasm when I see it. I played portal 2.


      and yes


      palpable indeed. 

  18. Except you are taking some liberties. In reality it would be in all caps. Or they are squabbling over who works under which name and why. 2020 is the year of BS isn’t it?
  19. I made a Let’s Play of sorts for a game I have been playing too much recently. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are up right now, while part 4 will be up about 8-12 hours from now (as soon as I access my phone/computer basically)

    I’m really proud of part 3 and unreleased part 4, so I hope y’all will enjoy!




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fraston


      And part 4 is up now.

    3. Fraston
    4. Fraston


      I’ve finished part 5 and am in the process of the hopefully final part, 6

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