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Everything posted by Fraston

  1. I just multiply the meters per second by 3 to get miles per hour. I’m so lazy.
  2. Oh yeah, the edge chronicles... read quite a few of those..
  3. @RealKerbal3x or @roboslacker, I bet.
  4. Since Saturday, I’ve had this weird cough. It is like phlegm coats my throat and then I take a deep breath and cough, a short, single hack. Nothing comes out, but my throat feels better. Since Monday my nose is congested, and I have to cover up my right nostril and snort to get the snot out. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think that I was around some kids at school who were coughing at lunch and it spread to me. Also, since late April, I’ve had this wierd rash around my mouth. I wash my face 5 times a week, on those days it’s day and night, but it only gets less aggravated, not any smaller. I know what you are going to ask, no, it isn’t acne. But it always feels better to talk about your problem.
  5. Okay here goes... Floor 3052: You find a table, on it is a map of this floor. Floor 3053: you find an elevator to the top, but it’s out of service. Floor 3054: You see a cross country skiing race. Floor 3055:You find the winners podium for the last floors race. Floor 3056: You find a poorly lit room with computers everywhere, and robots using them. Floor 3057: this floor is strangely constructed out of 1s and 0s. Floor 3058: You find an exercise room, and work out. Floor 3059: there is a fountain that spits juice on this floor. Floor 3060: You find a metal cylinder on a table and push a button on it, a blade of light comes out. Floor 3061: You find an operating room, its mostly empty. Floor 3062:You find a shack made out of SRBs and wonder how safe that really is....
  6. Fraston


    I don’t even know what this thread is anymore....
  7. So, my turn. i would like some lemonade with Minmus ice.
  8. I hire 1,000,000,000 minions with excavators to turn them into hills again. All the hills in the universe are now mine. all my hills and migori hill.
  9. Granted. It is now not. I wish for an apple.
  10. Your wish is my command. It is now a second before the Big Bang. I wish for a cookie.
  11. Granted. It is now the sun. The world becomes cold & dark.
  12. Lol Known for being a cat with an altitude display, overengineerer of rockets.
  13. Uhhh I’ll make a wish, i wish that summer was longer.
  15. G r a n t e d. The thing is, they crash your computer.
  16. Okey. The catch is that the computer is fried. if I have to go to school, I wish that kids in my school wouldn’t mindlessly sing “dink-a chink-a-dingalinga-chinkA @kerbiloid, the wish is too complex, wish again. I wish for summer to be longer.
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