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Everything posted by Fraston

  1. My computer is a 2015 MACBOOK AIR. It’s a potato, and it can run ksp at 25-30 FPS.
  2. Fraston

    Samsung vs Apple.

    *insert picture of Samsung galaxy note 7 charred and fried* TWO, YA HATER jk
  3. What does this “give us hoses” thing mean? I saw it on another users profile pic...

  4. Error 1435: Aggregate has been poured into the processor and left to set overnight.
  5. Alright, I’ll eat i- hey! There’s a S4-512 tank in it!
  6. Home aloe: a family gets stung by a swarm of mosquitoes, travels the world to find a cure
  7. Welp, I don’t have any money with me. You said you wanted money? I’ll give you 15 outdated career funds sandwiches. id like a maneuver node salad with Periapsis vinaigrette.
  8. A Kirby dreamland 3 and Kirby star allies mashup of hyperzone 1.
  9. I don’t know. I would say autostut, but maybe your game glitched.
  10. Mohos lowest point is at the North Pole of the planet.
  11. Ooh! I will faint if someone gets this... jumanji.... in space! (Jumanji as in the old one)
  12. A lego character I made up when I was a young kid. Don’t judge me!
  13. u ArE bReAkING RUEl too Dawt ToO jay beCawz yU aRe Roplaeing aS a Kerbawl You are breaking rule 2.2j because you are roleplaying as a Kerbal. im joking...
  14. Looks like someone’s profile picture... Oh, I know.... @Freshmeat
  15. Everyone at school: “Ur a igoit gEcAus U pAly Bad Gaems!” Me(the only person with a brain):I know you are, but what am I?
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