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    Just an ordinary Space Nerd

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  1. Why are service bays just invincible when it lands on it's doors? And what causes this fascinating phenomenon? pls help
  2. How can I do that? I've tried giving a nametag and calling it but it refuses to work
  3. I've tried doing that but kOS replies with it being undefined
  4. I'm using Tundra Exploration so there's an option to toggle between central engine and all engines
  5. When I disable all the engines except the single core, the script still thinks it has all it's engines on. What's the problem here? if runmode = 27 { // Suicide burn lock STEERING to velocity:surface * -1.//Point retrograde set landingRadar to min(ALTITUDE, betterALTRADAR). set GRAVITY to (constant():G * body:mass) / body:radius^2. lock TWR to MAX( 0.001, MAXTHRUST / (MASS*GRAVITY)). set TVAL to (1 / TWR) - (verticalspeed + max(5, min (250, landingRadar^1.08 / 8)) ) / 3 / TWR. // add realism by activating gear at slow speeds if ABS(VERTICALSPEED) < 20 { gear on. } if ABS(VERTICALSPEED) < 1 { brakes off. lights off. RCS off. SAS on. lock throttle to 0. lock steering to up. print "LANDED!". wait 2. set runmode to 0. } }
  6. How would I be able to find the coordinates of specific locations?
  7. Hi I'm currently writing a script to make a Falcon 9 alike boostback burn to the launchpad, how can I set the KSC as my target and command the engine to cut off when the trajectory reaches the KSC? Thanks in advance.
  8. I am looking to do a boostback burn where the engines will cut off when the impact point reaches the space centre. Is it possible to force the kOS script to make the rocket point at a specific angle to burn? I want it to look similar to the image attached.
  9. Hey, so I tried to load up the craft files provided in the mod and this happened. I've installed all the mods correctly but why does this happen? It didn't give me logs for any error during loading.
  10. Hello there, funny question here but I'm looking for different methods for revising maths. What's your best way of revising for tests?
  11. Yeah, the revert version doesn't work on my mac, I guess I'll use bootcamp to get Windows instead. Thanks for the reply.
  12. Is there any problems/issues if you slap it into version 1.4.x? I'm on a mac so I can't revert versions.
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