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    Stuck in the loading screen
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    not being stuck in the loading screen, not crashing any ships (or computers), having way too many unnecessary mods installed, creating SSTOs or rockets that actually work for once and colonising

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  1. Is the interstellar patch available/been done yet? This pack looks amazing so I would love to add it to my main save Edit: just been reading the other comments and saw the trouble getting this to work which is unfortunate. If I start a new save at some point I'll probably use this pack
  2. I agree with this. Just having the option to rebind every (major) keyboard input would be great. For example the new camera controls use the arrow keys like they did in ksp 1 but at least in the first game they could be changed. It would be a lot easier for ambidextrous/left-handed players who are used to using the arrow keys for controlling the movement of the ship if this extra config option was added.
  3. I have OPM and as it doesn't change anything with Dres it is perfectly compatible
  4. I'm playing on 1.12.1 and I've tried it with CRP and CTTP separately uninstalled and both times these glitches still appear, so I'm assuming it has to with the game version
  5. I think I've found an issue, some planets/moons have completely black or grey terrain compared to their coloured terrain from orbit/map view.
  6. Thanks for the help, looks great. Can't wait to send a mission here
  7. I've tried this mod on a clean install on 1.12.1 and the terrain seems to flicker on this mods planets but works fine with other modded planets (OPM installed). I'm wondering if this is because the mod and maybe some requirements are out of date is out of date or if there is something else on my end. I can post whatever is needed. Clip Gamedata
  8. I'm having a problem as well where I can't change my settings and they always changing back to the same every time I reload the game, even when changing them in the file the game resets them on launch, and I've tried this for 0.036 and latest. Edit: found out it was Astronomers Visual Pack overriding the original config, so everything's working again
  9. not sure then, sorry. You'll have to let @Gameslinx try when he comes online
  10. I know that scatterer likes to mess up on different versions of planet mods. What version are you using for it?
  11. Is there any way to get a fork of this mod that just adds the helmet visor reflections? I know that 1.6 adds dull reflections, but I'm looking for real-time high quality reflections. Thanks
  12. someone may have got inspiration from infinity war
  13. It was a recoloured olu'um that he made just for matt. The planets like volux (where they got the krakenite from) are still the same
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