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    The Netherlands

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  1. After roughly 30 hours I have pretty much finished the outside of my spacestation, time to start working on the interior starting with 3 hangar bays! But after that I'll still have ALOT of empty space to fill up. Right now the partcount is 6700
  2. Today I've made some progres on my latest space station, it's starting to look good!!
  3. I started on yet another spacestation, this will be my second attempt to make one large enough to have an interior! Just over 1600 parts now.
  4. After a break of about 5 months i got bored with Cities Skylines and went back to KSP since the wait for KSP2 is too long.. First I fired up a career mode but I got tired of grinding for science real fast so I went back to my old habbits of building space stations, I think this is a nice start for a new station:
  5. Holy, this is great news! This will definitely get me back to playing KSP !
  6. I haven't played KSP in some time so nothing new, but I made these ants a few weeks ago. They all walk very stable although veryyyy slow, about 1m/s.
  7. I found a solution to my tripod problem, at least now the design doesn't go to waste ^^
  8. After hours and hours of changing, tuning and many many headaches I have given up on getting this tripod to walk. I think i might be because of the short legs in combination with losing balance since having 3 legs isn't to stable. If any of you have some suggestions I'm all ears... if not I'll just wait untill someone uploads a similar looking tripod, maybe I could use that walking script. For now this one will be tucked away in some dark wip closet.
  9. I'm getting strange looks from across the room since I suddenly started laughing uncontrollably, very funny build!! HAHAHA
  10. Today I finished my ant colony. I also started working on a litle tripod, I really love the design but it doesn't have much power. Now to get it to walk...
  11. Nice speed! I also turned my walker ant around it doesn't go faster than 1.3 m/s. Took me 2 min and 6 seconds!
  12. Looks like the symmetry bug from Making History is still alive and kicking, or at least I started getting that bug when I installed MH and it has gotten worse with Breaking Ground. This happend to me like 10 times in the past 2 hours.... it's driving me nuts! We need a update, and we need it now!
  13. Got my first prototype of a mech with two legs. It's slow though about 3-4m/s. And when I try to finish the design it gets to heavy for those small hinges Back to the drawing board.
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