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Everything posted by FunThomas

  1. juno-rocket that can climb up to 35km and power dive with 791km/s
  2. 760.1 m/s at sea lvl, i could squeeze a little bit more but for some reasons this plane keeps rolling to right view from top
  3. Hi, in my opinion you created most intresting, good-looking mod of all times! But unfortunately i can't see any clouds... here's how my game data folder looks like: https://imgur.com/a/lSs6dKB and here's how it looks in-game: https://imgur.com/a/QFQ0MwC quick look at TWB folder: https://imgur.com/a/1RznzzO Especially for this mod i installed again fresh 1.4.3 version of KSP, then instaled: CTTP, EVE (without config), and Scatterer. I can see sunflares etc. but can't see any clouds i didn't had crash tho so i don't know if u need my log files or not.
  4. Hi, i have problem with this mod, when i click RMB on my science lab and cyclotron it says it's "locked". I have button to start both of them but it's at "zero effficency" so i can't generate any eureka point and quarks, and i also don't see any mission related to this mod, it looks like this: https://imgur.com/Ml8Je7U https://imgur.com/4POThIl https://imgur.com/8SaLZcO here's how my gamedata folder looks: https://imgur.com/YzlIs4Y https://imgur.com/l9EnOPH edit: ok i managed to find solution by myself, i downloaded this mod from github and everything work just fine, i didn't noticed that version on curseforge is not uptaded
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