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Everything posted by dockingtutorialimpossible

  1. So are we ckan dudes not getting the patch? Is there still some buggery to clear up before we get a version?
  2. I ain't got the science Jr. either. I have an older rocket with it installed, and the game refuses to let me launch it because of it.
  3. Man, I love this mod so much! Sensors add so many possibilities! I think I've used every sensor on one of my rockets now, and when breaking ground comes out I can't wait to combine them with whatever contraptions I can make! Just curious, would it be practical or indeed possible to implement a light sensor (maybe using solar panel logic), so in future a rover can seamlessly switch between fuel cells and solar power (opening a cargo bay to reveal the panels) automatically?
  4. There may be an issue with how the mod works with Dang It! Continued, whereby A battery failed and my attempts to fix it didn't restore battery functionality. I couldn't transfer reserve power to main power - it would just disappear until I had no power left of any kind. Not sure if it's actually a problem though, or I've misunderstood something about either or both mods NVM ignore this post/delete - still happens with Ampyear uninstalled.
  5. I have managed to get past the declination section, but now that I have to meet the orbit of the other craft, I don't see how I can obey the tutorial. The orange markers which are supposed to be 50km or 5km (not restarting the tutorial for a 5th time to find out) apart are without fail separated by thousands of kilometres. I cannot get them any closer than 1500km using the prograde/retrograde manoeuvre control. What the hell am I supposed to do? I tried to go my own way (ignoring the markers) at this point by adjusting everything to get a vaguely circular orbit next to the stranded craft, but then if I slow down to match the target like it tells me to, my orbit decays and I can't ever reach it! What gives? EDIT: I did it, but I had to do 3/4 burns to get the orbits to line up. I don't know how I was supposed to do it using only pro/retrograde burns since I 100% needed to adjust radially as well to get the orbits to match. I was very lucky that the craft happened to be close after I did this (almost like it was planned, eh?). End result = 0 fuel, 2 stranded craft. https://imgur.com/Ousci56
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