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  1. I also used Adobe After Effects. The layers and the way the effects worked confused me. I needed to invest way more time than I anticipated just to understand basic functionalities, so I can't call it a straightforward video editing tool.
  2. Not sure what I've got wrong with my abort procedure... During the launch readiness poll a 'flight controller' keeps calling a 'Hold Hold Hold' at 6 seconds. Included craft file and output logs Output Log Player Log Craft File
  3. always forget about that little fact... Guess I've gotten too used to seeing launches at any time of the day...
  4. Wonder if SpaceX will ever do a mission like this...?
  5. [Cough]. Other mods which depend on later MM versions, and come packaged with said later version, don't work with previous MM versions. Also, if I leave said previous version of MM present, then the newer version of MM delete's said older version creating a Catch-22.
  6. Unfortunately, it doesn't. That's why I started this mod. See the very first post...
  7. A little stuck... Engine does work, but I'm not getting any engine effects or sound. I've looked at the code, and can't see anything wrong. Need some fresh eyes to look at it Engine config
  8. Begun work on a new engine... Description for the engine is as follows When KAE Systems made the decision to develop their own rocket engine, they began looking around, and found what appeared to be a used engine with four nozzles that appeared to have fallen off a Krussian rocket. Taking it apart, our engineers quickly got to work on building a better more powerful engine. Instead of steering through the use of gimbals, it uses reaction wheels to steer. No real functionality, yet but as you can guess, it will contain some similarities to the KV-7 Kodiak, be more powerful and steer through integral reaction wheels Models welded so far: Restock FL-TX440 Fuel tank, FL-XA15 Adapter from Restock, and the Restock Poodle I'm aiming for this to be more powerful than the KV7, but less powerful than BDB's RD-180 analogue with around 820 kNs of thrust at sea level
  9. Just released Version Mod now includes an improved version of the RK-7 "Kodiak", It shows as a new engine called the RK-7A "Kodiak" which increases thrust by 5% and extends the ISP to 315 seconds at sea level, and 330 seconds in a vacuum. Not a welded part, but something I thought it needed as the 5% increase in thrust featured in the real RD-107A Engine compatible with restock
  10. If you mean, installation, they are in the very first post and are included in the readme file...
  11. @josselin2196Was just curious. I expected it to be similar to the probe a drogue system where you'd make contact (soft dock) with the bumper, then retract said bumper to hard dock
  12. Just wondering... When docking using the 'K06 Arcas Docking port jr', is the bumper supposed to be extended when docking. Just asking as I've noticed that when docking with it extended, the spacecraft just bounces back upon contact with the other docking port
  13. Sorry with latish reply. Busy at work because of COVID-19 It should. I've included the parts of Bluedod DB it requires (the models). Let me know if it doesn't
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