First, thank you for this mod. I was looking for some way to make a very basic prop plane and this mod enabled that!
One question, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if this is intended, but I am noticing some weird behaviour with the prop engines. I've been searching and haven't found this mentioned yet, so I created an account to ask.
The prop engines seem to have a reversed thrust curve, such that they actually stall when in a dive, and restart when climbing. They also seem to gain thrust when climbing, and lose it when diving, which seems opposite of what I'd expect. I noticed it by the sounds seeming backwards, but then I watched the thrust and noticed this. I "fixed" the sound by negating the thrustAddedToPitch value in the property file, but this only fixed the sounds and not the actual thrust issue. I couldn't find any other obvious value to change in the file to try fixing this since I'm a noob at this. Thus far this is in effect for several of the propeller engines I tested.
Is this expected behaviour? Is anyone else having this happen? The only mods I have installed are Fly By Wire, Grounded, NanoGauges, and AirplanePlus, so I don't think it's caused by another mod.
Any suggestions to modifying the properties files to correct this?