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Everything posted by farmerben

  1. 2.7C by 2100 is a lukewarm scenario. There are two ways to look at it, we could hope to slow down the melt, which is hopeless. Or we could work on increasing the snow.
  2. I didn't follow your scheme precisely but gamma ray reflection is a huge problem. It is a problem especially for antimatter engines where there is no effective reflector. Supposing you had a tungsten rocket chamber of considerable thickness. The high energy gamma rays from an antimatter interaction would often go through the chamber or be absorbed at some depth and radiated eventually as heat in all directions.
  3. Earth is the most interesting. I look forward to the day when there are Earthlike habitats on or around the other planets for people to indulge their unlimited creativity. Then we could set aside much larger percentages of the Earth for parks and wildlife. Second most interesting object is the asteroid Vesta. We could mine it for heavy metals at unfathomable scale, and hollow out an asteroid base at the same time.
  4. Take off either horizontally or vertically and land on the small island airfield as quickly as possible. Are mods allowed? Yes. Current best 2:23
  5. Hydrogen and helium have too many drawbacks. Economy demands something cheap and reliable. Methane balloons are half as bouyant as those, cheaper, easier to contain, and have almost never been deployed.
  6. The previous challenge to get to Minimus has got me in pretty good practice eyeballing hyperbolic orbits. And I had lots of booster subassemblies. So... Go to Eeloo and land on it in the fastest possible time. My first attempt 1y 333d. If you get there and land in under 1 year, you get a gold medal.
  7. Simulate the DearMoon mission by SpaceX. Dare I say compete with them to do it better. Carry passengers on a flyby of the Mun, as close to the surface and as fast as you dare. The entire vessel must be reusable. Bonus for more Kerbals, +science, anything else good. Bonus for recovering the vessel without parachutes. Bonus for landing on the runway or launchpad. I had the science lab and skmimmed the edge of a crater at below 350m. My landings were all sloppy, being with parachutes anywhere on Kerbin. At least fully reuasable.
  8. I've seen a lot of soldiers wearing Baofeng radios. These are made in China and cost $40. Many of the features are illegal to use in the United States without a license, ham radio frequencies, etc. There is no market yet for smart radios, with built in video etc. But give it a few decades and somebody will make a cheap version. Radio with frequency hopping is way more secure than cell phone connections.
  9. 1:28:55 A new record! Max velocity was 11,250m/s Theoretically this vessel could make 12,500, but I decided not to push it. I used the gold probe core about 3 stages down, it has better reaction wheels, batteries, and navigation to target. I knew I was good on the approach, but I took multiple attempts to do a decent suicide burn. It should be possible to shave a few seconds by good piloting.
  10. It will probably work some. It's mostly a question of yield and economics. There are a lot more locations capable of geothermal heating. I've often wondered why we don't have powerplants next to volcanoes.
  11. On a new game and a fresh restart I can do asparagus and not die to the Kraken. Even so I'm not really improving my times. It probably possible to suicide burn a little more efficiently, but I don't know if I will ever break <1:30
  12. Maybe I need a bunch of vectors instead of so many Rhino's 1:32:52, just shy of the record I went to 9800m/s before timewarping and started to slowdown before entering Minimus SOI. Probably my speedup and slowdown phases could be accelerated slightly. The Kraken is a spinny shaky monster that strikes in deep space for no reason. Even if the ship held steady at launch.
  13. Good job. Does DLC have much higher thrust engines than stock? I keep trying a kerbal chair with 6 asparagus, and the kraken keeps striking;(
  14. 1:34:56 I have to use an RTG so I can sit on the launchpad waiting for Minimus. This probe core doesn't allow my to set target for Minimus, for some strange reason. However every time I add a pilot or some asparagus I get hit by the Kraken. I'd say VYZNEV must have been going faster than 9700m/s
  15. Well the Mun is closer than Minimus My slowdown is bamboo staged with a terrier ~3000dV, aerospike ~3000dV, Rhino >2000dV remaining The magic number was about 8000m/s before timewarping. That number gives me time to slowdown in Minimus SOI. Speeding up to that point was all onion stages 8 skippers because fuel for the high efficiency Rhino and max ISP in vacuum was important, changing to skippers from mainsails was an improvement. Then Mammoths 8 x 3 onioned on.
  16. Finally 1:47:55 !!! After about a dozen different attempts. This one started with a Rhino surrounded by 8 Skippers. I still used aerospike for most of the slowdown, but finished off with a terrier because its light. Capsule is less Kraken prone than command seat designs. No payload fairing.
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